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However in a sentence

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Sentence count:183+23Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: althoughbutneverthelessnotwithstandingstillwhateverwhatsoeveryetSimilar words: evernevereveryfeverever sofor eversevereseveralMeaning: [haʊ'evə(r)]  adv. 1. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession) 2. by contrast; on the other hand 3. to whatever degree or extent 4. in whatever way or manner. 
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151) As a rule, however, such attacks have been aimed at causing damage rather than taking life.
152) We'll have to finish the job, however long it takes.
153) 'How many CDs have you got?' 'Lots!' However, they are not used with measurements of time or distance:I stayed in England many/quite a few/ten weeks.
154) He's so adamant that however hard I tried to persuade him to join us he did not change his mind.
155) However, the evidence is thin and, to some extent, ambiguous.
156) However does he manage to write music when he is so deaf?
157) Inverness, however, rose to the occasion in the second half, producing some of the best football they have played for some time.
158) However short the journey is, you always get something to eat on this airline.
159) However you look at it, it's going to cost a lot.
160) It is, however, not possible to draw a distinct line between the two categories.
161) However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.
162) Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, have some interests in common.
163) How far the republics can give practical help, however, is uncertain.
163) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
164) Mark, however, needs to travel extensively with his varied business interests.
165) However much you plan an expedition like this, you still have to trust to luck to a certain extent.
166) Everyone played well. We still lost the game , though. Note that you cannot use however in a sentence that begins with although, though or even though:Although everyone played well, however, we still lost the game.
167) However you look at it, it was a wicked thing to do.
168) It took hot competition from abroad, however, to show us just how good Scottish cashmere really is.
169) Their wages do, however, allow them a degree of independence.
170) It is, however, necessary on occasion to work outwith these hours.
171) Contrary to almost all predictions, however, the government did not fall.
172) If you're an ostrich about your debts, you're only going to make matters worse: it would be much better to take your head out of the sand and face facts, however unpleasant.
173) For the moment, however, the government is happy to live with it.
174) There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.
175) Relative poverty, however, did not prevent Martin from equipping himself with an excellent education.
176) With most of Dylan's lyrics, however, there are other ways of interpreting the words.
177) We accept the right of all men and women to do their own thing, however bizarre.
178) Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean, however, that history can be undone.
179) The psychologists insist, however, that they are not being prescriptive.
180) You should report any incident, however serious or minor it is.
More similar words: evernevereveryfeverever sofor eversevereseveralreverseeveryoneever sinceevery bitseverelyevery otherevery timein every waynever mindeverythingwhatsoeverneverthelessmore than everover and overshowertoweltowerpowerlowerglowerevenlevel
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