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Holding in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+34Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: claimlandownershippossessionpropertystaketitleSimilar words: holding outshareholdinghold inscaldingbuildingrebuildingbuilding materialsdingyMeaning: ['həʊldɪŋ]  n. 1. the act of retaining something 2. something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone. 
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61. The Government is holding crisis talks with the unions.
62. She's holding up well under the pressure.
63. The Student Union is holding election today.
64. The young couple were holding hands .
65. Patrick is holding court at the end table.
66. My friends talked about holding a party.
67. The rascal was frightened into holding his tongue.
68. They walked along holding hands,( their fingers interlocked.
69. The bank is holding the airline's assets as guarantees.
70. The workers are holding a sit-down strike.
71. We stood in a circle holding hands.
72. He is prevented by law from holding a licence.
73. They sat holding hands under a tree.
74. He emerged, triumphantly holding a baby aloft.
75. The SDP - Liberal Alliance is holding a conference.
76. An accident is holding up traffic.
77. She paused deliberately,( her eyes holding his.
78. You must be gentle when holding a little baby.
79. The screws holding the bed together had loosened.
80. He kept his seat holding silent.
81. Buyers have been holding off until the price falls.
82. She tightened the mainsail while holding the course .
83. The ship is holding a south - easterly course.
84. I'm holding you personally responsible for this mess!
85. You're holding me up, aren't you?
86. Fran came in holding a blue file.
87. Note how she is holding her racket.
88. Where are they holding their party convention?
89. She has a 40% holding in the company.
90. Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.
More similar words: holding outshareholdinghold inscaldingbuildingrebuildingbuilding materialsdingycedingaddingladingdininglandingfadingendinghidingsheddingpendingfindingreadingabidingweddingleadingfundinglendingevadingtradingexpandingspendingprodding
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