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High temperature in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: temperatureroom temperaturerun a temperaturebody temperaturehave a temperatureambient temperaturetemperature gradienttemperature inversionMeaning: n. the presence of heat. 
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1) Do you have a high temperature?
2) I have a high temperature.
3) The fuel spontaneously ignites because of the high temperature and pressure.
4) He began to run an extremely high temperature.
5) A high temperature can cause hallucinations.
6) She had a high temperature and was delirious.
7) Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.
8) When I was ill, I had a high temperature; I felt very hot.
9) Food must be heated to a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.
10) The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the high temperature.
11) Only when they have been roasted at high temperature do the beans turn from green to brown.
12) Additionally the controversial fast breeder and high temperature reactor projects are being re-examined.
13) The danger in cooking duck at a high temperature is in overcooking it.
14) Partly Frosted bottle with colorful High temperature decal.
15) For its high temperature,[ temperature.html] - layer insulation is used.
16) When she found that the baby still had a high temperature after twelve hours, the young mother decided to go for a doctor.
17) He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache and so on.
18) Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature.
19) Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature(, but does not sweat.
20) The first symptom of the disease is a very high temperature.
21) Gene mutations occur spontaneously and can be induced by mutagenic agents such has high temperature, mustard gas, and radiation.
22) Clothing and sheets soiled with blood and other body fluids should be washed in a machine at a high temperature setting.
23) Finally, there were the microscopic soot spheres, produced by high temperature combustion, such as in the boilers of power stations.
24) Her breathing was normal, but she had a very high temperature.
25) The most common symptoms of the disease are a high temperature and spots all over the body.
26) Projects include the Fast-breeder reactor demonstration project and a high temperature gas-cooled reactor.
27) Steel is hardened by heating it to a very high temperature.
28) Their natural habitat is the Amazonian jungle with a high temperature and humidity.
29) This programme aims to use platinum group metal coatings for high temperature corrosion protection.
30) The symptoms of flu may last several days, usually starting with a high temperature often with a headache.
More similar words: temperatureroom temperaturerun a temperaturebody temperaturehave a temperatureambient temperaturetemperature gradienttemperature inversiontemperateintemperatetemperate zoneliteraturehighlighterhigh techhigh-techtemperatemperancetemperamentintemperancetemperamentaldesperate measurehighlightshigh and mightyhighlighttempertemperedtempesttemperinghot temperbad temper
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