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Having in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+58 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: savingravingheavingcravingbehaviorbehavioralravinemisbehaviour
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31 Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture.
32 They were having breakfast when I arrived.
33 The children are having a frolic before bedtime.
34 Physical fitness is having a healthy body.
35 She's having a tattoo done on her leg.
36 He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.
37 Having the children had made his life more liveable.
38 I'm giving/having/holding a party next Saturday night.
39 You're not having much luck today(, are you?
40 He's tied down by having to work every Saturday.
41 Having a kid is a 24/7 job.
42 She was super when I was having problems.
43 Love means never having to say you are sorry.
44 He grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake.
45 Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
46 The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows.
47 I enjoy having time to myself.
48 We accused him of having neglected his duty.
49 I hate having to make snap judgements.
50 Having worked for a whole day,the secretary looked harassed.
51 She is fortunate in having such a kind husband.
52 I was fortunate to have/in having a good teacher.
53 We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child.
54 They're having a relatively small wedding.
55 Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true.
56 That's your new car? You're having me on!
57 The pleasure of not having to work quickly palled.
58 She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.
59 The country is having a great boom in industry.
60 He became acutely conscious of having failed his parents.
More similar words: savingravingheavingcravingbehaviorbehavioralravinemisbehaviourwith a view toliving thingmovinglivingservinggiving upthrivingstrivingskydivingconnivingmisgivingconvincingunnervingrevolvingliving wageliving roomgiving birthThanksgivingdriving licencethe cost of livingstandard of livinghave
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