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Handbag in a sentence

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Sentence count:159+16Posted:2016-10-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: pocketbookpurseSimilar words: stand backhand in handbagsstand byby and bybags ofhold backgarbageMeaning: ['hændbæg]  n. a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women). 
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121, Melissa dumped her register and handbag on a chair, marched round the desk and tried the cupboard door.
122, This faux fur handbag is so cute!
123, Why dont you clean out your handbag?
124, The shop girl takes out a handbag.
125, Her handbag was pillaged on her way home.
126, Scuttling, handbag primed, to lay down the law in Europe.
127, She felt inhere handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down al the details of the journey and gave it to the porter.
128, Good workability, suitable for hand work and production line. Mainly use in hemp rope covering, insole covering and handbag.
129, Application:Automatically inhale and trim thread. Apply to thick tatting and heavy materials, such as jeans, embroider, handbag(, suitcase and bedding.
130, The handy left-hander left a handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.
131, I can make do with this handbag for some time.
132, We are a big sneaker and handbag wholesaler in China.
133, As you can see here, this chaise longue indeed is big and red, so you could see how eager I was to become famous. I also have designed a paper lamp with the shape of handbag and we called it" FLAMP."
134, She was carry her handbag in one hand and a plastic carrier bag in the other.
135, In the pictures, Simpson, who is engaged to former NFL player Eric Johnson, is wearing a baggy black top and carrying a large handbag to partially cover her midsection.
136, I am looking for unbranded handbags, either pvc, plastic, handmade cloth, in various styles and shapes. Pricing around 5 usd per handbag[], also grocery totes.
137, After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag amd took out her powder compact.
138, That grandmotherly figure who always carries a handbag and never says anything controversial?
139, A sneaky thief can easily dip into an open handbag!
140, The MEDEA handbag factory is nonce China manufacture cloth artistic pearl embroiders the handbag scale big factory. The design ability exceed front, exports order for goods stabilization.
141, After he had all the money in the handbag, a revulsion of feeling seized him.
142, Our company supply kinds of paper handbag, gift box , packing box and so on.
143, Anna hails down a cab for the pair, and walks home, leaving the handbag in the smoking car.
144, The world is brilliant. But little wonderfulness stays in the busy-looking crowd, until the accidental encounter with such a gorgeous handbag.
145, Products: self-adhesive labels, Shui Xibiao, cloth standard, tag, color pages, samples, computer paper manifest, handbag, packing boxes, plastic products and other printing products.
146, Manufacture: Matel hook, Snap hook, Swivel hook, Pet hook, Zinc hook, Handbag hook, Purse hook...
147, After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact.
148, The military coat and handbag keep the look smart while the Converses and tee shirt are a rugged touch.
149, She fought up against the mugger and seized back her handbag.
150, You take care not to step on the heels of the woman in front of you on the way out of the subway, and you might take passing note of her most excellent handbag.
More similar words: stand backhand in handbagsstand byby and bybags ofhold backgarbagefeedbackhandthanby handhand outin handon handhand inhand onat handthankhang onhang uphandfulhand downchancethankschangeother thanchannelhand overthank you
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