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Grandmother in a sentence

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Sentence count:264+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: grandfatherSimilar words: mothermotheringgrandgranta grandgrandfatherimmigrantgrandparentMeaning: ['grænd'mʌðə(r)]  n. the mother of your father or mother. 
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151. Firstly, a widowed grandmother may be remembered as moving into the family home.
152. The son of a drunken soldier lived for six years with his grandmother in one room.
153. It exasperated his grandmother to see this forceful spirit drifting like a rudderless boat, directed neither to work nor to leisure.
154. Some people his grandmother knew had a little girl who wanted to learn the flute and Tom started giving her lessons.
155. And one summer, Grandmother said I disgraced myself by following Bill Brown around like a love-sick pup.
156. A grandmother in Ohio receives a letter promising various gifts in exchange for filling out a questionnaire.
157. And if the meat was not quite to perfection he used to grumble at my grandmother ... Oh he was severe.
158. We joined them, my mother, my grandmother and I, pushing our few belongings in a hand-cart.
159. The summer I worked for Bill, I lived with my grandmother in Compton.
160. The money is to go in a penalty box kept by Grandmother; the proceeds will go to a charity.
161. Her grandmother never used the words white and black to describe skin colour.
162. Then her eyes fell briefly on the painting her grandmother had given her.
163. He follows his great grandmother who played there in 1904.
164. My grandmother therefore moulded my life, and I believe I am all the better for it.
165. They now communicated by arguing, just as my grandmother had communicated with my grandfather after he fell ill.
166. Now Lizzy had taken all that her grandmother held dear and dragged it through the dirt.
167. Suddenly, my grandmother entered the room,( proudly holding a Dundee cake.
168. August was reserved for Henderson House, where Grandmother Robinson presided with austere benevolence.
169. But when I remembered practicing, I remembered my grandmother, not my father.
170. When she was young, everybody thought my grandmother was terribly daring because she smoked.
171. Red, the grandmother, and the brave hunter sat down and shared the basket of goodies.
172. His father died a few months after his birth and his grandmother then ruled as regent.
172. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
173. My grandmother hoards everything - jam jars, plastic bags, pieces of string - her house is a mess.
174. My grandmother seemed to be highly amused by my remarks.
175. Barbara has won countless Glamorous Grandmother contests since becoming the first ever winner of the Widnes title in 1977.
176. My grandmother continued to have fainting fits and hysterical fits.
177. Moira Anderson vanished without trace in a snow storm while running an errand for her grandmother on 23 February 1957.
178. Long ago, an aunt told me that my grandmother wash born out of wedlock.
179. My grandmother thought I was disgracing myself, following Tim around like a love-sick puppy.
180. Pataki later revealed that his maternal grandmother and an uncle had entered the country illegally.
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