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Gorge in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+2Posted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: devourgobblegullygulpravinestuffvalleySimilar words: gorgeousforgetforget aboutforgettinggorillaallegoryvigorouscategoryMeaning: [gɔrdʒ /gɔːdʒ]  n. 1. a deep ravine (usually with a river running through it) 2. a narrow pass (especially one between mountains) 3. the passage between the pharynx and the stomach. v. overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself. 
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91. At the southwest corner of the present-day Scablands, the flood water pooled, forming another large lake before it drained into the Columbia Gorge and then into the sea.
92. No! Yum, gorge, glut.
93. The south side of the gorge is now clothed in trees.
94. Olduvai stone chopping tool (made 1.8 million years ago) found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, East Africa.
95. Gorge can't act but I think a bit of professional jealousy is at the back of it.
96. This paper introduced the essential concepts of realizing method and the system structure of the Three Gorge Safe monitor and control system of knowledge base system.
97. The Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway in Pennsylvania offers two-and-a-half-hour Hometown High Bridge excursions on weekends in October.
98. We were flying over the gorge , and Cas spotted him.
99. A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska Denali National Park.
100. Landfenture of dilapidation such as vagarious peak, stelae, cliff, grotto, gorge and deep slit was formed by the falling action of massif formatted of mallve quartz sandstone and carbonate rocks.
101. Whether plunging through a steep-sided gorge or oozing through a peat bog,( water is a constant presence in the park.
102. This incoordination of terrace series is closely related to the diversity of crustal movement and difference of erosion and accumulation between the inside and outside of the Changjing Gorge.
103. Hutiao Gorge had been considered as one of the most suitable places for pedestrianism for a long time and you can wander the first bay of the Changjiang River in the way, so you can't miss it.
104. Gorge is many and adipose food, caky sex of blood is met heighten, cause coronary artery thrombosis easily.
105. You surely don't think Gorge could sing in public, do you? He can't sing for toffee!
106. But Saturday's bridge-jumping festival turned deadly, one of about 400 parachutists making the jump off the New River Gorge Bridge died when his parachute either failed to open or opened too late.
107. Created by a gap between the Carpathian and Balkan mountains, the gorge is bypassed by a ship canal (opened in 1896) to allow navigation by large river craft.
108. Construction in the gorge was very busy. Everywhere people were at work.
109. Over the centuries, countless invading forces passed through or near the gorge on their way to the Khyber Pass.
110. Archeological finds in the Olduvai Gorge include stone tools, and skeletal remains of Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, as well as bones of, now extinct,[] wild animals.
111. The lionfish gorge on small fish, mollusks and invertebrates, enough to fill out to as much as 480 grams and decimate local populations on the coral reefs they inhabit.
112. It's the Bridge Day Celebration in West Virginia. BASE jumpers take a flight off an 876-foot-high bridge over the New River Gorge.
113. And the tools at Gona bear strong similarities to those found at Olduvai Gorge.
114. A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska's Denali National Park.
115. Not only the waterfalls and ponds here, even the entire valley with the two streams is called the "Flying Dragon Gorge".
116. Methods Firstly, spray 1 % tetracaine upon gorge . Then put stomach duct proper length 2 ~3 minutes later.
117. Rock mass engineering geological problem of bridge site in gorge slope reflect the discrepancy between human engineering activity and engineering geological conditions.
118. Gorge: I think a good idea to have a recorder, isn't it?
119. The course change of Xijiang River and the formation of Lingyang Gorge are related to the neo-tectonic movements since Quaternary Period.
120. Fred insists that Gorge can't act but I think a bit of professional jealousy is at the back of it.
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