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Given in a sentence

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Sentence count:258+68 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: addictedassumedbentdisposedinclinedstatedsupposedSimilar words: give noticegivegivergive offforgivegive ingive outgive upMeaning: ['gɪvn]  n. an assumption that is taken for granted. adj. 1. acknowledged as a supposition 2. having possession delivered or transferred without compensation 3. (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward. 
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31. Are the temperatures given in Celsius or Fahrenheit?
32. She was given artificial respiration and cardiac massage.
33. The prices are given in square brackets.
34. Free school lunches are given to children who qualify.
35. He was given a fishing rod for his birthday.
36. Publication dates are given in brackets after each
37. You have not given what is due to me.
38. He was given a new rent-free apartment.
39. Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page.
40. I am proud to be given such an opportunity.
41. Witnesses at the trial were given police protection.
42. Continual calm reassurance should be given.
43. Education is given to children by the government.
44. Answers are given on the opposite page.
45. John was given a four-month suspended sentence.
46. The sentence may be given several interpretations.
47. They were given only rudimentary training in the job.
48. Official sanction has not yet been given.
49. He had given a mightily impres-sive performance.
50. Their proposals were given the thumbs down.
51. She was given a rapturous reception by the crowd.
52. He was given a general anaesthetic.
53. The work must be done within the given time.
54. They were all given a box to carry.
55. Has nurse given you your medicine?
56. The vaccination is given in early infancy.
57. Please do it within the given time.
58. Love songht is good(, but given unsought is better.
59. Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.
60. The walk has given me a good appetite.
More similar words: give noticegivegivergive offforgivegive ingive outgive upgive waygive awaygive way togive backgive ear togive birthgive rise togive thanksdrivenenlivenpreventiveeffectivenessgiving upThanksgivingovenevenvenomeventinventeleveneventsproven
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