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Fibre in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+7Posted:2016-08-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: characterfibervulcanized fiberSimilar words: fiberbreakbreastbreezebreak upbreak outbreak offbreak inMeaning: n. 1. a slender and greatly elongated solid substance 2. the inherent complex of attributes that determine a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions 3. a leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth. 
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181) The high oil-absorbing resin made of crosslinked copolymer of wood fibre and cetyl methacrylate was prepared by suspension polymerization method.
182) The present invention relates to a sanitary chopsticks made of natural fibre and its production method.
183) Mesophase pitch based carbon fibres can have high thermal conductivity due to the highly extended graphitic crystalline structure along the fibre axis.
184) A - emitting diode or laser converts those signals into light pulses , which travel along a glass fibre.
185) The index of the light shading percentage of cotton fibre is discussed in this paper.
186) Objective: To compare compound staining methods showing leprotic bacillus, elastic fibre and cell nucleus etc . in skin biopsy tissue.
187) The results show that the fibre orientation affects on the stress corrosion cracking of GRP seriously.
188) Azygos vein directly drew into right atrium cordis. 2. The intercalated disk of cardiac muscle was less than that of human. 3. The Purkinje's fibre was bigger than that of human.
189) In the current experiment, the team sent their signals down 50km of optical fibre and then implemented what is known as an optical fast Fourier transform to unpick the data streams.
190) The turf fibre cover is provided with the fertilizer, bactericidal agent and dicotyledon herbicide.
191) Cold squeezing imported material to shape fibre flow ensuring high quality and conformability.
192) The straight bladed fork is monocoque carbon fibre and is designed specifically to give more precision while cornering.
193) Said invention also includes the air-drawing process spinning technology for styptic fibre.
194) Debonding and pull - out of fibre from an elastic matrix were analysed.
195) Our factory products with PVC Christmas tree, optic fibre tree Christmas product serial product of main fact, the ornaments including satin silk fabric, burlap hang one on Christmas .
196) Obsolete venereal disease kitchen range, fibre, hardens kitchen range obsolete quality of the, pleurisy mould.
197) There is absence of necrosis (of both epithelioid and giant cells) and of mitotic figures, and inconspicuous muscle fibre damage.
198) ResultsRhizome, fibre, lamina and petiole organs obtain alkaloid and berberine contents.
199) Such an architecture would include a single hard disk, a single Fibre Channel adapter, or a single power source for any piece of equipment.
200) Filament is very long fibre , including the natural fibre silk and the synthetic fibres .
201) One transaction involved a Nevada mining company and the other a fibre optics maker.
202) The structure and characterization of optical fibre voltage and elec - tric field sensors are deseribed.
203) The results show that the 10 species of Pinus are all of long fibre scope for fibre industrial raw materials.
204) Coils are made of single polyimide wire wrapped with glass fibre. The insulation level is Class H.
205) After cecectomy water content in feces increased and fibre componentsdigestibility decreased.
206) The thicker pericarp and higher crude fibre content seem to mean a worse performance in tenderness.
207) Effect of curing temperature, curing time, resistance to media, kind and volume of the sand-laden fluid, and particle size of proppant on fibre compound sand control system were discussed.
208) ATP staining revealed isotype muscle grouping and muscle fibre compensative hypertrophy. CONCLUSION:Muscle biopsy has significances in diagnosis and differentiation of adult spinal muscular atrophy.
209) Field test shows that the technology of fibre complex sand control not only increases sand retention strength, but also extends sand control life. This is a new sand control method worth of spreading.
210) Among them the part of optical fibre field intensity data acquisition is presented in detail.
More similar words: fiberbreakbreastbreezebreak upbreak outbreak offbreak inbreak downbreak awaybreak intobreathingout of breathbreak through
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