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Eyre in a sentence

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Sentence count:52Posted:2018-09-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: eyriekey ringpyrelyregyretyrebyrepyrexMeaning: n. a shallow salt lake in south central Australia about 35 feet below sea level; the largest lake in the country and the lowest point on the continent. 
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31. Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of the famous English writer Charlotte Bronte &'s in 19 th century.
32. The cracked bed of Lake Eyre, meantime, resembles nothing so much as a lunar landscape.
33. Eyre Peninsula's natural environment and fertile soil contribute to the beauty of this piece of land from pollution to produce high quality wines.
34. To exemplify what I mean , let us look at C . Bronte's Jane Eyre.
35. Still, "Jane Eyre" is a very enjoyable soaper , especially Welles' campy performance.
36. Jane Eyre was the first full - length English novel I read.
37. Lake Eyre might be the bleakest, most featureless place on Earth—a flat, arid salt sink in Australia with only the horizon to define its 3,( square miles.
38. The Lake Eyre region averages less than half that amount.
39. It was just so funny when you started comparing Jane Eyre to Robocop.
40. Pilots whofly over Lake Eyre had told me about a red hue that sometimes appears when thebed dries.
41. Charlotte Bronte's own adversity in life inevitably portrays Jane Eyre with tragedy.
42. There is a close relationship between Jane Eyre and the Bible.
43. Although the room was filled with laughter, Eyre still felt very lonely.
44. Alan and Mary Eyre still attend mid-week Bible class at Free Hill, but have changed their home ecclesia to Port Maria, which is just starting up.
45. Return to the Garden of Eden - Overstep Womans self - abasement - Charlotte Bront ■ and her " Jane Eyre ; "
46. "Jane Eyre" author Charlotte. And "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte sisters.
47. Jane Eyre ( Fontaine ) is orphaned at a young age.
48. Cheyenne - Arapaho filmmaker Chris Eyre is leading the movement.
49. Study of his character character, to know Jane eyre social environment description and analysis of the main character is not negligible significance.
50. The Lake Eyre basin, one of the world's largest internally draining systems, in the heart of Australia.
51. The author, Charlotte Bronte, through deep writing style and true female experience, described one new female figure with strong treacherous consciousness and opposable spirit-Jane Eyre.
52. Charlotte Bronte held her position on the literature history with her Jane Eyre, and her two little sisters, Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte, were not inferior to her.
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