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Engineering in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: applied scienceengine roomengineering sciencetechnologySimilar words: engineerpioneeringenginebring incoming inofferingmotheringgatheringMeaning: [‚endʒɪ'nɪə]  n. 1. the practical application of science to commerce or industry 2. the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems 3. a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located. 
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(91) His background was in engineering.
(92) The monsters are like bumblebees, an engineering nightmare.
(93) A good part of engineering is applied mathematics.
(94) He taught courses in engineering and metallurgy.
(95) Applications engineering is a title which is descriptive.
(96) But for others[], the reverse was true: it was technical drawing which attracted them into engineering.
(97) He attended a technical college for engineering studies before moving to Los Angeles in 1982.
(98) After finishing a doctorate in electronic engineering, he worked an average of 80 hours a week for seven years.
(99) As the code is an umbrella document, the engineering institutions may have additional requirements to suit their particular disciplines.
(100) Generally, engineering contracts first go through a selection committee before being forwarded to Huckelberry's office.
(101) He completed two years of a civil engineering course at Nottingham University before moving to Lyon.
(102) A leaning toward chemistry and chemical engineering was no doubt kindled in some way by a Mickey Mouse comic strip.
(103) Throughout his life Cayley showed keen interest in science and engineering developments, particularly in aeronautics.
(104) But Barr Thomson Engineering could not escape the knock-on effects of the pit closure announcement and was forced into receivership.
(105) The practical work during the course also satisfies the Engineering Applications requirements of the Engineering Council.
(106) Techniques that can not readily be proven analytically are unlikely to gain much engineering credence.
(107) The next step will be to set up collaborative research projects, under the Science and Engineering Research Council.
(108) Twenty company divisions for electrical machinery, computers, communications[sentencedict .com], measuring instruments and systems engineering all cooperate in robotics work.
(109) A proper engineering drawing can not be thus fudged; like Wolf, the draughtsman must fully comprehend what he is drawing.
(110) New awards in engineering practice are being developed to provide clear progression routes from the relevant national awards in engineering practice.
(111) He was a fellow of the University of Bombay, and was elected dean of the faculty of engineering in 1879.
(112) Its parent company runs tugs, shipping and heavy engineering businesses.
(113) It is impossible to fault the engineering on L'Oiseau-Lyre's disc of Bach works for harpsichord played by Christophe Rousset.
(114) A new framework of national awards in engineering has been developed over the last few years.
(115) An engineering plant and an advertising agency are different and this difference will be reflected in their organisational design.
(116) This week we are starting the service with a selection of contracts in the energy and civil engineering sectors.
(117) He was working for an engineering firm and met Herbert in the course of business.
(118) Girls are sometimes discouraged from studying subjects like engineering and physics.
(119) Siemens will be responsible for electrical engineering, the traction package, and control systems.
(120) A degree in business administration or engineering management is especially useful for becoming a general manager.
More similar words: engineerpioneeringenginebring incoming inofferingmotheringgatheringfilteringpioneernomineemarineenter intodoctrineringmanagingemergingbringdebuggingduringstringring outring upencouragingbring upbring outdischargingspring upbring downbearings
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