Similar words: encourage, encouragement, discouraged, encouraging, courage, discourage, courageous, dutch courage. Meaning: [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ] adj. inspired with confidence.
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121. My parents constantly encouraged me to achieve.
122. Troops are encouraged to live outside the barracks.
123. Careers adviser Mature applicants for training are positively encouraged.
124. We were encouraged to bounce links off each other.
125. Guests were encouraged to cast off their inhibitions.
126. From its beginning, Culham encouraged international collaboration.
127. Business will be encouraged to have environmental audits.
128. Transaction costs have encouraged firms to expand their own internal capacity in preference to extensive reliance on outside suppliers.
129. The great majority of the population are not allowed to participate in any political activities except those expressly encouraged by the regime.
130. Each school was encouraged to define its particular needs and prepare a programme which would best meet them.
131. He also encouraged his wife, Carla Bley, to begin composing.
132. Minton encouraged them to do as they pleased and a high time was had whilst he paid the bills.
133. Several factors have encouraged the fertility of women over age 30.
134. Similarly, she arranged and encouraged folk dancing groups in the town, monthly reading circles and visits to theatres.
135. They are also encouraged to make connections between medical and scientific advances and changes in human society.
136. Blood cholesterol levels were measured in all participants, who were encouraged to follow a standardized diet.
137. At this stage they are encouraged to compare and contrast the facilities and user interfaces provided.
138. But Doumer built a refinery in Saigon, where a blend was concocted that burned quickly, and thus encouraged consumption.
139. An innovative renewal programme gave the urban poor legal protection, provided basic amenities and encouraged self-help work.
140. Margaret Thatcher's governments encouraged the old nationalised industries to sell derelict sites which retailers snapped up for building superstores.
141. Meetings around the water cooler are encouraged rather than discouraged.
142. These are subjects which readers are encouraged to refer to a qualified professional adviser.
143. To try to cut down on internecine warfare(, Mr Florio oversaw annual meetings at which he encouraged publishers to work together.
144. Perhaps, the Cancun failure encouraged the Commission to be less ambitious in its demands.
145. Attendance at clinic is probably encouraged by avoiding long delays and making the visit worthwhile.
146. That has to be encouraged if our game is to produce the skills which are found in other countries.
147. Criticism of the service side of training should be encouraged so improvements in student learning and patient care can be developed.
148. These courses are independent,[] free from commercial bias and partners are encouraged to attend.
149. The open countryside will be protected, but recreation and nature conservation will be encouraged.
150. The latitude for administrative discretion in individual cases surely encouraged rather than checked official corruption.
More similar words: encourage, encouragement, discouraged, encouraging, courage, discourage, courageous, dutch courage, courageously, discouragement, enraged, outraged, tragedy, pasturage, encounter, ragged, engaged, managed, damaged, uncouth, rage, intelligence agency, engaged in, forage, au courant, armageddon, enrage, mirage, outrage, for ages.