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Elastic in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+11Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adaptableflexiblepliablerubber bandyieldingAntonym: rigidstiffSimilar words: inelastic demandprice elasticityplasticthe last strawThe last riteslastingeverlastingdrasticMeaning: [ɪ'læstɪk]  n. 1. a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together 2. a fabric made of yarns containing an elastic material. adj. 1. capable of resuming original shape after stretching or compression; springy 2. able to adjust readily to different conditions. 
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181. The elastic modul of short fibre composite material whose fibres volume and direction are random distributed is calculated by means of the random medium micromechanics method.
182. The Kelvin solution to the static linear elastic problem is used as the weighted function to derive the boundary integral equation for steady-state vibration problems.
183. The racket bar has a cross section of regular polygon, so as to improve beat precision and durability and reduce impact through exerting elastic force only in one direction without distortion.
184. Objective To observe the result of elastic bandage used in postoperative breast cancer.
185. Full lace up front with a padded tongue with elastic keeper straps and padded collar.
186. Variation of R in both once loading and cyclic loading may reflect the stress in elastic, nonelastic and fracture stage with sensitive response.
187. Plastic hinge indicates the boundary of elastic and plastic domain moves to the fixed end at first but it will move back due to the interaction of reflected waves.
188. General elastomer life of 10 years. As with elastic buffer, damping effect, so there is a strong vibration in situations to use more.
189. A warp yarn should be strong, elastic, extensible and smooth.
190. The phenomena are examined by the elastic plate theory, agreement is observed.
191. We designed and implemented a simplified link-level protocol with elastic buffered flow-control and buffered wormhole routing switching, it can support to transmit variable-length packet.
192. The boundary collocation method is presented for analyzing plates resting on a two - parameter elastic medium.
193. Elastic edging on the top and bottom anchors the bandeau in place.
194. Hence, the loss of gravitational potential energy of the block equals the gain of elastic potential energy of the spring.
195. For the piezoelectric crystal, not only a mechanical source distribution at the surface,( but an electrical source distribution also can excite the elastic wave fields.
196. This paper divides the equilibrium state of unstable system into two state:one is geometrical stable equilibrium state, the other is elastic stable equilibrium state.
197. Meanwhile the thicker the coal in the combined sample is, the greater the elastic energy index is.
198. It also discusses the effects of the tape transfer ratio and transmission efficiency made by the elastic slip.
199. The sputtering yield dominated by elastic collision between HCIs and the material atoms with larger incident angle.
200. Two sorts of echoes caused by the reradiation of elastic surface wave have been observed in experimentation: the radial surface backscattering wave and the longitudinal surface backscattering wave.
200. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
201. Pink elastic fibers, instead of running in parallel arrays, are disrupted by pools of blue mucinous ground substance.
202. Characteristically, the strains in the plactic region are much greater than in the elastic region.
203. Deriving equation, the more general weak form for elastic problems, was given.
204. Conclusion LVRS, an effective method to treat pulmonary emphysema, can improve the lung function by recovering both pulmonary elastic recoil and the mechanical characteristics of the diaphragm.
205. In addition, along with the age growth, in the corium layer elastic fibers, the rubber plateau protein breaks down along with it pine, also will facilitate the old molding pore production.
206. By way of adopting elastic wave equation and finite difference approximation calculating method, the numerical simulation of VSP synthetic record is realized in the paper.
207. A complete study of the propagation of shock waves in elastic solids is presently lacking.
208. Applying classical wave theory, a concept of equivalent elastic modulus on propagation speed modification of guided wave through"variable cross-section"of metal bar embeded layer was put forward.
209. Three long columns of tissue extend through its length, covered by elastic tissue and a thin layer of skin.
210. This project revised the formula of the ground pressure resistance by applying the reciprocity law equation to simplify the theory of elastic half-space.
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