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Disused in a sentence

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Sentence count:92Posted:2017-05-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: misuseddisusemisusediseaseddisposeddisperseddisclosedsubsidisedMeaning: [‚dɪs'juːzd]  adj. no longer in use. 
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61 This is a disused machine.
62 Maybe this is a disused word.
63 But everything is dirty, disused and uncared for.
64 The shop was an old - fashioned one with many large, disused fireplaces and tall, narrow chimneys.
65 The room is about three paces long and two wide: broom closet or disused tool room.
66 As a place of sanctuary it is pretty bleak. The camp is nothing more than a bunch of decrepit and disused mud huts on the edge of a baking hot, dusty plain.
67 To deal with this preference, Keynes whimsically suggested burying bottles full of cash in disused mines and letting the private sector dig them back up.
68 Considering filly the infection of water to jet and the structure characteristic of oil wells be disused in shallow sea. Design linear shaped charge cutters of answer for the fact.
69 Also the management procedure and emergency plans relevant to source purchase, disused source disposal and transport are presented.
70 Disused sites may be unstable, while tunnels and sewers may flood if it rains - trapping explorers inside.
71 Oil wells that be disused in shallow sea are severe to affect sea-route. cannot cut off it effectively by dynamite commonly. and water affect jet a certain extent.
72 We went down to Siwan beach. There were many fishermen's huts and little hoses built on disused sampans.
73 Generalized dyadic wavelet is given, and its application in signal processing is disused.
74 One MP out here with me at the UK-China Forum for the Future branded it "a cross between a stealth bomber and a disused skate park".
75 You can make the train change its course disused track and save most of the kids.
76 If we buy disused church, we could make it into an attractive home.
77 The shop was an old converted house with many large, disused fireplaces and tall, narrow chimneys.
78 The flat have been built out on the now - disused fort.
79 Will we soon see besuited art dealers hawking their products from disused stores on Oxford Street? These really are the last few skulls and the jewels were hand-crafted ...
80 He happened to take a glance at a disused bell that hung in the room.
81 In Denver, an 80 - acre park opened in September on the site of another disused airport.
82 The role of actin filaments was disused in this paper.
83 A bird has made its nest in that disused tractor.
84 A reverse channel system is the precondition of reusing and recycling of disused resources and the guarantee for smooth development of circular economy.
85 Allegedly,( on July 22 the man used sodium dichloroisocyanurate and sawdust to fumigate a disused air-raid shelter he planned to use for planting mushrooms.
86 It is a post-medieval disused burial ground in London, England.
87 The bank card has disused Agricultural Bank on the net, certificate use has deleted?
88 The boys went exploring in some disused workings, eg the shafts of an old tin mine.
89 If we buy the disused church, we could make it into an attractive home.
90 However, with a lead tolerance of about 60%, when sintered, employed and disused, PZT ceramics will produce heavy metal pollution, which is harm to human health.
More similar words: misuseddisusemisusediseaseddisposeddisperseddisclosedsubsidiseddismisseddisguiseddispleasedindisposeddistressedpredisposeddisorganisedpurchase discountdispossessedvisualvisuallyleisurevisualizeleisurelyvisualiseleisure timemisunderstandmisunderstoodvisualizationjesussushiversus
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