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Dispatched in a sentence

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Sentence count:181+11Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dispatchhatchedA watched pot never boilspatchpatchycatcherhatcherhatchetMeaning: [dɪ'spætʃ]  adj. sent off or away. 
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(151) The damage was detected by a system monitoring the fibre-optic link from western Europe and a security team was immediately dispatched to the spot, where the woman was arrested.
(152) Oslash; The last few Alpha sentinels are dispatched to Primon to guard the PEC.
(153) A space ark with a small population of refuges might be dispatched to find shelter on a moon of one of the system's gas giant outer planets.
(154) The army dispatched a cruiser to the island to restore order.
(155) Local officials were dispatched to Honolulu to see how It'should be done.
(156) He dispatched a telegram to announce his time of arrival.
(157) To dispatched the files and mails, and classify, file away and take care of it.
(158) In the meantime Henry Luce 's Time and Life magazines, while often disregarding their own correspondents?dispatches, also demanded aid to Chiang and dispatched Bullitt to China.
(159) Soon the attendants returned who had been dispatched to seize Bacchus.
(160) The notice of revocation shall reach the offeree before it has dispatched a notice of acceptance.
(161) One night at McChord Air Force Base in Washington, I was dispatched to check out the security fence where an alarm had gone off.
(162) Those ships are apparently different from the Russian navy vessels dispatched this week to search for the missing ship.
(163) Instead, shortly before noon,[] the steamship company dispatched two launches to the ship to take the passengers ashore.
(164) Rabat authorities dispatched about a dozen soldiers to the uninhabited island Perejil on the 11th as part of its crackdown on illegal immigrants and counter-terrorist operation.
(165) Delivery can be free on board and your order dispatched within 24 hours.
(166) All screws who are dispatched for ocean route and sea route by our company have won good praise from their ship owners; therefore, they win good reputation for our company.
(167) When the goods are dispatched , we'll issue a sight draft against you.
(168) The Honduran government says that arrest warrants have been dispatched to all frontiers.
(169) One of CARL VINSON's helicopters, which was airborne at the time of the crash, was immediately dispatched to conduct rescue operations.
(170) S226; a stamp or notation indicating the date on which the goods have been dispatched, taken in charge or shipped on board.
(171) In addition to patrol duty , blastboats are dispatched for planetary defense and interdiction missions.
(172) Sewing trainees dispatched to Japan have shown their proficient skills, squareness on job, and hardworking spirit.
(173) He dispatched a messenger to tell the king what had happened.
(174) The last few Alpha sentinels are dispatched to Primon to guard the PEC.
(175) With the promise of newfound powers[], Sidious dispatched Vader to destroy the Jedi Temple.
(176) Britain's Royal Society dispatched Capt. William Bligh to Tahiti in 1787 to collect breadfruit specimens to help feed colonies in the West Indies.
(177) A messenger was immediately dispatched to acquaint the Prince with what had happened.
(178) The police dispatched the fake zebras to several different locations in the Russian capital, where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossings and handed out flyers to passing drivers.
(179) At 6:20 a Dumbo Flying Boat was dispatched to try and find Flight 19 and guide it back.
(180) Eban was dispatched to Washington again to confer with American officials.
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