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Delegation in a sentence

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Sentence count:205+6Posted:2017-02-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: commissiondelegacydelegatingdeputationmissionrelegatingrelegationSimilar words: relegationallegationdelegatenegationabnegationdelectationobligationirrigationMeaning: [‚delɪ'geɪʃn]  n. 1. a group of representatives or delegates 2. authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions. 
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31) A key factor in running a business is the delegation of responsibility.
32) Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections.
33) The government has sent a delegation on friendly visits to some countries in Europe.
34) The delegation decided to prolong their visit by one week.
35) Russia demanded that Unita send a delegation to the peace talks.
36) The British delegation walked out of the discussions in protest.
37) The delegation is scheduled to land in Beijing tomorrow morning.
38) He was sent to New York as part of the Dutch delegation to the United Nations.
39) The delegation registered a formal protest with US embassy officials Wednesday.
40) After exchanging pleasantries, the delegation revealed the purpose of their visit.
40) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
41) The government invited an international delegation to inspect the plant.
42) Many of the delegation members had begun to weep.
43) Among the Soviet delegation were some figures of substance.
44) Some of the delegation had put on long-sleeve shirts.
45) Kemp met with the California delegation on Monday afternoon.
46) This leads nicely to: delegation.
47) The delegation was greeted by the President.
48) Among them was a delegation from Oxfordshire.
49) Delegation achieves this at minimal cost.
50) We visited the same classroom your delegation visited.
51) The people, by a tacit and irrevocable act of delegation, had handed over their powers to the monarch.
52) California already has the largest congressional delegation with 52 members in the House of Representatives.
53) In the present case, however, a pure delegation of legislative power is precisely what we have before us.
54) Party insiders had speculated about competition between Symington and Woods to lead the delegation.
55) A delegation of councillors is lobbying the Government because they say the noise is unbearable.
56) My hon. Friend the Minister with responsibility for immigration matters met a delegation from various refugee groups yesterday.
57) A neutral presentation would expose the difference and show that the delegation of authority does not imply the forfeiture of ultimate control.
58) Two-thirds of the Texas delegates are men, roughly equal to the average for the national delegation.
59) A Soviet delegation arrives this month to discuss the experiments and the choice of astronaut.
60) Don Edwards, D-San Jose, the dean of the California congressional delegation.
More similar words: relegationallegationdelegatenegationabnegationdelectationobligationirrigationlitigationmitigationsubjugationlegislationelevationelegantinvestigationcelebrationineleganttelecommunicationtelecommunicationsnegativenegativelyratificationgratificationacclimatizationelectionselectionnationrationgeneral electionprimary election
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