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Cookery in a sentence

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Sentence count:88+9Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cookingpreparationSimilar words: cookercookbookcookbrokercookieprecooknonsmokerbrokerageMeaning: ['kʊkərɪ]  n. the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat. 
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61. The Institute is made up of three departments: Cookery, which devises, develops and double-tests every recipe featured.
62. We watched a cookery demonstration at school.
63. The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal.
64. What do you learn from a cookery book?
65. The school runs cookery courses throughout the year.
66. The cookery course was serious and hedonistic at the same time.
67. The restaurant sells a cookery book, writen by the chef.
68. She picked up the cookery book and felt the frustrations of indecision.
69. American cookery expert known for her books and her instructional television and video series.
70. As with cookery, their product is consumed daily [], leaving behind only a faint aroma.
71. The books in the bookstore cover everything, from cookery to cytology.
72. Since they had no cooking implements their cookery must have been rudimentary or non - existent.
73. Thellos cookery book has been written by a real epicure.
74. Nothing at all. What do you learn from a cookery book?
75. She could make a new dish without referring to a cookery book.
76. Her latest role sees her play Julia Child, the doyenne of US cookery writers.
77. I riffled through an old cookery book, seeking something appetizing to prepare for her.
78. Nigella Lawson----British cookery writer: Diets are like boyfriends-it never really works to go back to them.
79. For pickling , preserving, and cookery, none could excel her.
80. Boys as well as girls are taught cookery in school these days.
81. They also publish an excellent cookery book called "The Flavours Of Gujarat" (£2.95,( plus £0.25 p & p).
82. This is precisely what Jules Clancy, food scientist and minimalist meal maven, of the Stonesoup has set out to help us with in her new virtual cookery school.
83. Frisee became one of the chic staples of 1980 s cookery.
84. Saute - stir is an important dish preparation method in the Chinese cookery.
85. Sara Gyngell, who co-founded the Surrey Hills Cookery School in Leatherhead, Surrey, said: "Putting on a number of courses is stressful and I'm not surprised so many people find it hard to cope.
86. Gives listings of both accredited and unaccredited colleges under various popular subject headings - cookery, business, technology, performing arts etc.
87. Cookery means the knowledge of Medea and of Circe and of Helen and of the Queen of Sheba.
88. As Charles Baudelaire said, "Nature, whether in cookery or in love, rarely gives us a taste for what is bad for us."
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