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Considerable in a sentence

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Sentence count:268+55Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: greatimportantmuchpowerfulsignificantAntonym: inconsiderableSimilar words: considerablyconsiderationconsiderbe considered asvulnerablebearablefavorablecomparableMeaning: [-dərəbl]  adj. large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree. 
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181. You have considerable flexibility in this job and can choose how to do things.
182. Considerable doubt exists as to the precise origin of this custom.
183. He showed/exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce.
184. There is still considerable mistrust between the management and the workforce.
185. The local people still harboured considerable misgivings over the flood of workers into their village.
186. The author has a considerable hold on the reading public.
187. There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will be complete.
188. She was given considerable latitude in how she spent the money.
189. As her confidence grows you may well see a considerable turnabout in her attitude.
190. There's considerable uncertainty as to whether the government's job creation strategies will work.
191. Volume Two, sub-titled "The Lawyers", will also attract considerable attention.
192. The author has a considerable hold upon the reading public.
193. The tape was left near a magnetic source, and the resulting damage was considerable.
194. There is now a considerable body of knowledge of the different stages of childhood.
195. Some members travelled a considerable distance to attend the meeting.
196. He has amassed a considerable fortune out of trading shares.
197. Nowadays(, newspapers are allowed considerable latitude in criticizing the government.
198. Already the children had made considerable inroads on the food.
199. The strength of the dollar is causing considerable disquiet on the Stock Exchange.
200. He would gain considerable advantage from staying in that job.
201. The fact remains that racism is still a considerable problem.
202. There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment.
203. Doctors exercise considerable power and often come into conflict with politicians.
204. The author has a considerable hold over the reading public.
205. There is considerable impatience with the slow pace of political change.
206. There is considerable room for negotiation on some of the details.
207. He brought to the job not just considerable experience but passionate enthusiasm.
208. I demonstrated to them that a new computer would save considerable time.
209. Student pranksters have done considerable damage to the school buildings.
210. Clive's father gave her a considerable leg up when he appointed her director of the family firm.
More similar words: considerablyconsiderationconsiderbe considered asvulnerablebearablefavorablecomparableoutsiderconsistconsist ofconsist inconsistentside by sideconsistentlybe responsible forsideasideablebesidecabletablebesidesenableunablesidewalkput asideset asideresidenton the side
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