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Depot in a sentence

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Sentence count:157+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: depositorypoststandstationstorehousewarehouseSimilar words: nepotismdeportdeposedepositdepositiondeportationpotspotMeaning: ['depəʊ]  n. 1. station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods 2. a depository for goods. 
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1. They leased the building as a depot.
2. The word "depot" was borrowed from French.
3. The depot is only a few blocks from here.
4. The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.
5. The bus starts at/from the main depot.
6. It's been parked in the depot for years.
7. Home Depot is a big competitor.
8. Depot manager Bernard Cullen presented David with his certificate.
9. The girls at the depot watched the development of this incongruous relationship with incredulity.
10. The dockside coal depot will be the focal point of a demonstration against imports and pit closures tomorrow.
11. I was informed that buses from Livingston depot were deployed to operate journeys starting from Balerno.
12. A supply depot was established at Cambuskenneth[], within a protective loop of the river.
13. Embassy, an airport fuel depot and the entrance of a luxury hotel.
14. One of the targets, a munitions depot, went up in a spectacular display of fireworks.
15. It's stored in a depot in Monpazier at the moment.
16. The depot has 22 drivers while three fitters in the workshop are supervised by Brian Sergeant.
17. Big box retailer For several years, Home Depot, a big box retailer of hardware, has sought a port site.
18. We carry out spot checks on the vehicles before they leave the depot.
19. Standard car 40 on its first Fleetwood trip in 1959, with the old Bold Street depot in the background. 2.
20. Smith's copies have spent the last six days under lock and key at its Dunstable depot.
21. There were violent clashes between police and pickets[], notably at the Orgreave coking depot in Rotherham in the summer of 1984.
22. Bars had sprung up on South Railroad Street and around the depot, and robberies and brawls were commonplace.
23. The supermarket scheme will force Caldaire to move the United bus depot to another site.
24. To the railway enthusiast, however, it was the location of a crack Southern Railway and Southern Region steam depot.
25. The dawn patrol rolls into action from the Askwith Road depot, Linthorpe, today.
26. Some Army units were informed, the Pentagon said, although the troops who actually blew up the depot were not.
27. The fact that the railroad was willing to lease depot space came as welcome news.
28. Projects under negotiation include the Manggarai Integrated Terminal, a giant inter-city bus depot south of Jakarta.
29. The concessionaire will also be expected to supply the necessary fleet of DMUs and the maintenance and stabling depot.
30. On the right is the old St. Annes tram depot, now a bus garage.
More similar words: nepotismdeportdeposedepositdepositiondeportationpotspotkeep outreposereportkeep onkeep offpotentdespotpotionpotatospottedpotencyreport onreporterkeep out ofpotpourrispotlesson the spotto the pointreportingdespotismpotentialhypothermia
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