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Considerable in a sentence

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Sentence count:268+55Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: greatimportantmuchpowerfulsignificantAntonym: inconsiderableSimilar words: considerablyconsiderationconsiderbe considered asvulnerablebearablefavorablecomparableMeaning: [-dərəbl]  adj. large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree. 
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91. Her son is a source of considerable anxiety.
92. Lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause.
93. The theatre's future is a subject of considerable debate.
94. The support was considerable and very gratifying.
95. They have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills.
96. She has considerable business/financial acumen.
97. The Council had considerable influence over many government decisions.
97. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
98. His book is written with considerable vigour.
99. Considerable ingenuity is needed to minimize costs.
100. There is now considerable concern for their safety.
101. Finding a cure requires considerable time and effort.
102. He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.
103. The storm caused considerable dislocation of air traffic.
104. The newspapers are giving the affair considerable prominence.
105. She was in a state of considerable agitation.
106. There is considerable imprecision in the terminology used.
107. The campaign for change now has considerable momentum.
108. The proposed cuts have caused considerable controversy.
109. There is considerable overlap between the two subjects.
110. The design requires considerable modification.
111. A number of the monuments are of considerable antiquity.
112. It's an area of considerable historical interest.
113. She has considerable business acumen.
114. There has been considerable alarm about the new proposals.
115. This resulted in a considerable loss to the exchequer.
116. She argued her case with considerable subtlety.
117. The object had clearly fallen from a considerable height.
118. His decision led to considerable friction in his family.
119. Vets' fees can be considerable[], even for routine visits.
120. Senator Kerry carries considerable weight in Washington.
More similar words: considerablyconsiderationconsiderbe considered asvulnerablebearablefavorablecomparableoutsiderconsistconsist ofconsist inconsistentside by sideconsistentlybe responsible forsideasideablebesidecabletablebesidesenableunablesidewalkput asideset asideresidenton the side
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