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Cell in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+17Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cadrecellphonecellular phonecellular telephonecubicleelectric celljail cellmobile phoneprison cellSimilar words: cancelcelebrityacceleratecelebrationbellyellshellsellMeaning: [sel]  n. 1. any small compartment 2. (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals 3. a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction 4. a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement 5. a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver 6. small room is which a monk or nun lives 7. a room where a prisoner is kept. 
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151. Monolayers of human hepatoma cell line Hep3B were maintained in Dulbecco modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum.
152. Xanthine oxidase has been found in the endothelium of capillaries by immunohistochemistry, and superoxide is generated in endothelial cell cultures.
153. All transformed cell lines were examined by Southern blot hybridisation.
154. Invitro, high extracellular calcium concentrations inhibit the proliferation of human colonic epithelial cells and several colonic cancer cell lines.
155. Messages from thousands of photoreceptors are funneled into each ganglion cell, except some cancel out the actions of others.
156. All this was, it transpired, the result of an upheaval deep within the cell.
157. Glycosylated hemoglobin refers to the specific red cell hemoglobin A types to which a glucose molecule becomes irreversibly attached.
158. He died at the age of 69 of an unrelated squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus.
159. I found an excellent microscopic representation of a cancer cell, used by the Cancer Research Campaign in their appeal advertisement.
160. These studies show that mucosal metabolism can be assessed effectively using biopsy specimens without the need for epithelial cell purification.
161. The spores do germinate, go through a few perfunctory cell divisions, then give up the ghost.
162. Cell adhesion and disease adhesion molecule deficiency A number of rare diseases result from defects in adhesion molecules.
163. Some critics echo the radical anti-abortion lobby in comparing stem cell research to the Holocaust.
164. Many differentiated cells retain the ability to return to the cell cycle when confronted with the appropriate mitogenic stimulus.
165. This variability is evident when studying purified receptors in artificial membranes,[] calcium release in single cells or in cell populations.
166. We propose a novel variation, namely that proteoglycans on an endothelial cell can bind and present cytokines to passing leukocytes.
167. The production of the three subunits in minicells should reflect the level of production within the cell.
168. Incubation time and concentration of cytokines were chosen according to optimal responses known for the ICAM-1 upregulation on other tumour cell lines.
169. Acetylation takes place so rapidly the completely that no unchanged 5-ASA can be detected inside the cell.
170. A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
171. It is the characteristic chemical products of such enzymes that give a cell its individual shape and behaviour.
172. Some cell lines, however, achieve what appears to be immortality.
173. We have shown that red cell volume predicts outcome in preterm infants.
174. Cell movements, for example, may bring tissues in apposition resulting in new interactions leading to further movements.
175. This is supported by our observation that the G cell and parietal cell densities were negatively correlated.
176. It removes the cap of the cell containing a rotting larva, and it throws the larva away.
177. The sequelae of hypertonicity are believed to result largely from changes in brain cell size.
178. Values of packed cell count, haemoglobin, urea, glucose, creatinine, and electrolytes were obtained at admission.
179. These measurements correlate with neuronal cell count and show a relative reduction of neurons in the epileptogenic hippocampus.
180. Police kept her locked up in a cell until she gave a negative breath test and was deemed fit to leave.
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