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By itself in a sentence

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Sentence count:157Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: itselfof itselfin itselfself-himselfby yourselfby himselfself-esteem
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1 The house stands by itself outside the village.
2 The statue stands by itself in the square.
3 The door seemed to open all by itself.
4 He left the matter to clarify gradually by itself.
5 The machine will start by itself in a few seconds.
6 Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself,[] integrate the teaching corps.
7 The house stands by itself in an acre of land.
8 The door's not going to close by itself.
9 Hockey is doing nicely by itself without FoxTrax.
10 By itself offering you a mortgage.
11 But global competition, by itself, is not necessarily enough.
12 Activism by itself fails to bring salvation.
13 To begin with, by itself it doesn't produce anything.
14 Unfortunately, partner reduction proved woefully inadequate by itself.
15 But normally the pecking order works out by itself.
16 Stanford... well,[] Stanford is in a class by itself.
17 About twice as many, for depression by itself.
18 The growth in members is meaningless all by itself.
19 The land by itself could not support the population.
20 One proposal by itself was anathema; the two together were poison.
21 Let the fatuous sun shine by itself and let's head for the moon.
22 The threat of lawsuits by itself is a major factor in driving up health care costs. Significant changes are definitely needed.
23 Similarly, Spong believes that homosexuality, by itself, is not a sin.
24 Will the dog be safe left in the car by itself?
25 A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 which is exactly divisible by itself and 1 but no other number.
26 In those days, the valley was isolated from Los Angeles proper; it sat by itself far outside the city limits.
27 Getting closer, the swarm was so noisy it sounded like a war all by itself.
28 But the number of steady jobs has dwindled, and it is unlikely that time by itself will improve the picture.
29 Perhaps now he could see why the drawing was in a space by itself.
30 Nobody has to remind me that frequent cell division is not by itself malignancy.
More similar words: itselfof itselfin itselfself-himselfby yourselfby himselfself-esteemshelfwelfaresellsell offsell outselectsellervesselcloselyselectedthemselvessenselesspreciselyselectioncounselorcounseling
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