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Breeze in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+25Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: blastgalehurricaneSimilar words: freezesqueezebreakbreastbreak offbreak outbreak inbreak upMeaning: [briːz]  n. 1. a slight wind (usually refreshing) 2. any undertaking that is easy to do. v. 1. blow gently and lightly 2. to proceed quickly and easily. 
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181. Beside us the lace curtains bellied in with a faint breeze, then hung inert.
182. God gave us the trees, the breeze and the seas. Let's not forget to pay our fees. RVM 
183. The visit hardly went like a breeze from start to finish.
184. Her feathers were rippling up and down like leaves in the breeze as she struggled to get a secure footing on me.
185. Breeze saw the brass plate from afar, and hurried up the path.
186. When she pushes it open, and switches on the light, she finds the breeze blowing through broken windows.
187. A cold breeze blew through the open door, stirring the fire so the flames shot up, flickering brightly.
188. Wednesday, the day of the funeral, was dry and bright but with a chilly breeze.
189. An imperceptible breeze forced the leaves of a regiment of birch trees into anxious quaking.
190. A faint breeze wafted a salty tang off the sea, jingled the rigging on the rows of yachts.
191. Outside, on the front lawn hoisted atop a wooden flagpole,( an eternal blank check waves bravely in the breeze.
192. It doesn't cost much to be happy if the currency of your heart is the blowing of the breeze and the swaying of the trees. RVM 
193. She went back into the house and I waited outside for a while enjoying the cool breeze.
194. The draught on street corners is like a tropical breeze.
195. Uncertain which way to go, Benny gradually became aware of a gentle breeze blowing from the right.
196. A breeze blows through the palms below, rustling their branches, so they whisper like voices.
197. Dole is no fresh breeze blowing in from the hinterland to shake things up.
198. The breeze from the Arabian Sea carries the jasmine scent mingled with sandalwood incense.
199. A mild breeze was picking up, offsetting the heavy blanket of sunshine that settled on my arms.
200. Jed could sense a question running like a breeze through the rows of people who lined the streets: Who's he?
201. Unlike the other candidates, he is always ready to sit in the back of his bus shooting the breeze with reporters.
202. A cool breeze off the creek rattles the leaves of the locust tree and flutters through the room.
203. A gentle breeze blew through the windows[], lightly rustling the curtains.
204. He opened his eyes to the quiet darkness, the moonlight, the breeze from the window that his helper had opened.
205. A dead leaf balanced precariously on the knuckles, twitching in the breeze.
206. His shirt-tails flapping in the breeze, he faced the green at an angle of forty-five degrees and sliced every shot.
207. I'm now as free as the breeze - with roughly the same income. Gene Perret 
208. Still she felt that breeze ruffling her hair, biting at her nose.
209. The air smells lovely, of leeks and straw and the breeze from the sea five miles away.
More similar words: freezesqueezebreakbreastbreak offbreak outbreak inbreak upbreak downbreak awaytreefreebreak intobreathingthreeagreeGreekgreetout of breathfree ofscreenfreelystreetagree onset freepreemptagree tobreak throughdisagreefree from
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