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Bay in a sentence

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Sentence count:197+16Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Laurus nobilisalcovebay laurelbay treeembaymentquesttrue laurelSimilar words: babybadbanbarbatboybuybyMeaning: [beɪ]  n. 1. an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf 2. the sound of a hound on the scent 3. small Mediterranean evergreen tree with small blackish berries and glossy aromatic leaves used for flavoring in cooking; also used by ancient Greeks to crown victors 4. a compartment on a ship between decks; often used as a hospital 5. a compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose 6. a small recess opening off a larger room 7. a horse of a moderate reddish-brown color. v. 1. utter in deep prolonged tones 2. bark with prolonged noises, of dogs. adj. (used of animals especially a horse) of a moderate reddish-brown color. 
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61. Kate set out for the house on the other side of the bay.
62. The costs of cleaning up the bay are estimated, conservatively, at $1 billion.
63. The river Ganges empties itself into the Bay of Bengal.
64. We found a tiny hotel in a heavenly spot with a beautiful bay.
65. There was a large ship riding at anchor in the bay.
66. After the storm at night, the morning dawned clear and fine over the bay.
67. Wool traps your body heat, keeping the chill at bay.
68. Prisoners armed with baseball bats used the hostages to hold police at bay.
69. Charlotte bit her lip to hold the tears at bay.
70. You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree.
71. Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay.
72. Kuwait Bay is one of the world's most important wintering grounds for wading birds.
73. I enjoy the view of the bay in the starlight.
74. The little boat was skimming across the sunlit surface of the bay.
75. Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.
76. The new snack bar will keep those hunger pangs at bay.
77. The deep boom of a foghorn echoed across the bay.
78. From the top floor you get a clear view of the bay.
79. Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan Bay to be created a marine nature reserve to protect the dolphins.
80. At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island.
81. They crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale.
82. At the unspoiled North Bay(,[] three white pyramids rise like futuristic sails from the sea.
83. Monstrously inflated costs are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay.
84. My voice holds them at bay.
85. Captain Cook anchored in Opunohu Bay in the 1760s.
86. Humbert had landed at Killala, just across the bay.
87. Brown has kept the tumult at bay.
88. Sandbags kept the floodwaters at bay.
89. Add lentils, thyme, and bay leaf.
90. The government hopes to keep inflation at bay.
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