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Bathroom in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+38Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bathcanjohnlavlavatoryprivytoiletSimilar words: mushroomroombedroomcourtroomclassroombathsthroatthroughMeaning: ['beɪðrʊm]  n. 1. a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet 2. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets. 
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91. The bathroom floor was swimming with water.
92. I really need to go to the bathroom .
93. When will they finish the decoration of the bathroom?
94. The bathroom doesn't stay clean for long.
95. The bathroom is just along the corridor.
96. We've had the bathroom done out in pale yellow.
97. Go and wash your hands in the bathroom.
98. Full-length mirrors lined each wall of the bathroom.
99. The bulb's gone in the bathroom.
100. I need to go to the bathroom.
101. I have to go to the bathroom .
102. There's a bathroom and a lavatory upstairs.
103. He got undressed in the bathroom.
104. The bathroom has a separate shower cubicle .
105. There was a sachet of shampoo in the bathroom.
106. The bathroom is entirely my own creation.
107. He headed to the bathroom to wash up.
108. All rooms have a bathroom and colour TV.
109. He wants to tile the bathroom.
110. I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through.
111. If you are installing a new bathroom, it has to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations.
112. He rushed to the bathroom, where he was violently sick.
113. The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks.
114. Was that you I heard warbling in the bathroom this morning?
115. Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.
116. Each bedroom in the hotel has a bathroom en suite / an en suite bathroom.
117. I could hear him blundering around the bathroom in the dark.
118. The can exploded,[] wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.
119. I've finished decorating the bathroom, so now I can start on the bedroom.
120. Now we have renovated our old bathroom, my husband has taken to having a shower every morning.
More similar words: mushroomroombedroomcourtroomclassroombathsthroatthroughthrow offthrow upgo throughthrow awaythroughoutget throughall throughcut throughcome throughfall throughrun throughput throughlook throughpass throughpull throughbreak throughcarry throughfollow throughbatboomcombatroof
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