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Baron in a sentence

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Sentence count:108+7 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: baronessSimilar words: baroquebarometersarongbear onbarebarbardbarnMeaning: ['bærən]  n. 1. a nobleman (in various countries) of varying rank 2. a British peer of the lowest rank 3. a very wealthy or powerful businessman. 
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1. Henry Ford was an automobile baron.
2. There's a telephone call for you, Mr Baron.
3. The baron lived in a castle.
4. Are you a friend of Baron Wendleton's?
5. He styles himself Baron.
6. He was created Baron of Banthorp.
7. The oil baron was killed by an assassin.
8. He was succeeded as third Baron Northwick by his nephew.
9. The baron was exposed as a liar and a cheat.
10. I am the baron de Chavigny.
11. We shall be opening the season with the Baron.
12. A press baron is an immensely powerful figure.
13. The drug baron behind it all is called Cherokee.
14. Bristol calls it Red Baron after Snoopy's nemesis in the Peanuts comic strip.
15. Enterprise reporter Andy Baron raising the issue of media ethics.
16. These words, uttered by Baron Parke in an 1848 case,[] still hold good today.
17. Baron of Buchlyvie continued its career as a breeding stallion and show horse.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. No Baron Munchausen would have dared to imprison his saga within the limits of a tall tale.
19. Neither Baron Korf nor Iakov Rostovtsev owned serfs, but the one was faint-hearted and the other unimaginative.
20. He was created Baron Astor in 1916, and promoted viscount in 1917.
21. Baron was pretty impressive: The sound of a wet finger sliding across a drum head resembles nothing else.
22. The Red Baron was through a month or two back, racking up his score.
23. The order of precedence for titled nobility in Britain is duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron.
24. He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.
25. With his own property, it was perhaps easier too for a baron to take risks or sail close to the wind.
26. And perhaps their finest stroke was the casting of rapper Ice-T as a heroic, charismatic crack baron.
27. On the Monday night the orchestra arrived ready for the dress rehearsal of Gypsy Baron the next morning.
28. Gesner was taking a lot of trouble with Ingrid in the Baron.
29. In 1912 he was raised to the peerage as Baron Murray of Elibank.
30. But it helps to expiate our imagined sins if we have a bogeyman to hand, a Drug Baron.
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