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Assignments in a sentence

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Sentence count:250+1Posted:2017-08-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: assignmentreassignmentduty assignmentconsignmentgoods on consignmentalignmentarraignmentrealignment
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91 The airline doesn't make seat assignments, which can be a hassle for travelers, but it saves money.
92 This is especially important for work-inhibited children, who are typically overly dependent upon the support of others to complete school assignments.
93 Her education qualified her to teach school, but not for the choice assignments.
94 Robin spent many lunch hours poring over her math assignments.
95 Good assignments will also require the student to answer some technical catering questions and resolve syllabus issues.
96 The interviewer is looking for a relapsed sport or hobby which can be restarted and used as behavioural tasks in homework assignments.
97 Counselors should request that each teacher of academic subjects provide a list of students who often fail to complete assignments independently.
98 While assignments are difficult to define precisely, they are more structured and less open-ended than projects.
99 We have already stressed the need for you to keep your notes and assignments in properly labelled and categorised loose-leaf folders.
100 In either case, the counselor will have in hand one or more classroom assignments to be completed by the student.
101 Heretofore, I had concentrated on doing good work in high-profile assignments.
102 On scouting assignments, he developed a reputation for slinking around games, hiding out as if he were a CIA operative.
103 The examination will consist of 6 assignments - 5 pieces of dictation and a manuscript assignment.
104 But with electronic ticketing, you can still get advanced seat assignments, check in at curbside and accrue frequent flier mileage.
105 This technique is especially helpful for certain types of homework assignments.
106 At Kidd's arrival Clive and Stokes concentrated solely on executive search, but it has since undertaken organisational consulting assignments.
107 Workers and supervisors collaborate to build new tasks and learning opportunities into their jobs by redefining and redistributing assignments.
108 They learn to talk without workbooks, homework lessons, curriculum guides, tests[], or assignments.
109 Alternatively, the counselor may request that the teacher provide specific assignments for the child to bring to the counseling session.
110 The interest of the episode lies in Gloucester's ability to command his brother's men, even in controversial assignments.
111 Some cuts, moreover, will arise as mergers and alliances create overlapping assignments.
112 Of the work-inhibited students, is it possible that this attention deficit may be related to their difficulty in completing assignments?
113 Nor do examinations in arts subjects help, for these press assignments into preordained formulae rather than liberate innate ideas.
114 At school, her teacher gives her extra reading assignments so that she can practice.
115 In borderline cases moderators may request to see students' marked assignments.
116 And the plethora of morning news and business shows can make certain stories round-the-clock assignments.
117 This includes manning tutorials, marking and commenting on assignments,[] and helping with residential schools.
118 Is it permissible to vary assignments, to expect less from certain students while demanding more from others?
119 However, Sean performed poorly on tasks that required him to use a pencil or pen to perform copying assignments.
120 Unfortunate Timing Initial confusion surrounding work assignments resulted in part from unfortunate timing.
More similar words: assignmentreassignmentduty assignmentconsignmentgoods on consignmentalignmentarraignmentrealignmentnon-alignmentnonalignmentassignassignedassigneeassigningassignationgovernment securitiesminus signentertainmentcommentsgarmentselementsoddmentsrudimentsadornmentcantonmentcomplimentsedutainmentgovernmentdetainmentinternment
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