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Archives in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+6Posted:2017-03-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: archivistanarchistmonarchistarchitectarchipelagoarchitecturechivalrychivalrousMeaning: ['ɑːkaɪv]  n. collection of records especially about an institution. 
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91 All the steps require PHP commands in some form to do this, since there exists no stand-alone tools for creating these archives.
92 Which deckhand found the photo of the Adama family in the Colonial Fleet archives?
93 The archives management involves to nearly all departments as the core of the office automation system.
94 Russia has promised to reveal more documents about Poland on Tuesday from the secret archives of the SVR(Sentence dictionary), Russia's foreign intelligence service.
95 It is much easier to handle archives By computer programming.
96 That approach was tested in 441 patients enrolled in a Washington state health maintenance organization. Results from that trial were published in May in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
97 The Vatican's Secret Archives, one of the world's great repositories of historical documents, is selling a limited edition of 800 numbered copies of the Chinon parchment.
98 This group historical data is chosen from archives of treasury department of government archives countryman.
99 Present times of knowledge economy has a great effect on the formation, management and demand of archives resources.
100 Third, based on the Mongolian archives about posts traffic, specifically analyzes the operating of the posts in Chagatai Khanate.
101 Clean-up documents, expired or not the long-term need to archive documents prepared for the archives, some of the temporary removal of expired documents of all clean-up.
102 Another important series of documents in the Archives are the reports from archaeological expeditions in China conducted under the sponsorship of the Freer gallery in the early 20th century.
103 Recursively search through folders for archives ( Just drag and drop ).
104 Before it is in the archives, it can be destroyed, but afterwards[], only a directive from a high-ranking official can cause it to be destroyed.
105 Maggie Shapley , Australian National University: Marketing Archives in the Digital Age: What can small archives do?
106 Our mobile office system can have supported computer to undertake business and archives examine and approve.
107 Bases on the real working practice, this paper points out some views on the primitiveness , pertinence and normativeness of the archives of teaching evaluation.
108 The session also aims to provide an insight into the archives and the availability of sources for historical research, design inputs, and the conservation of architectural landscape monuments.
109 Through a common Ethernet cable, it is possible to connect the machine to a lgoodop Personal Computer and to pass on data and archives for further processing.
110 And works published in the selective periodical of China poetry, China Poet Archives, HuaDong Parnassus, and so on.
111 In light of the Archives melee, historians should re-examine the thousands of pardons Lincoln issued to weigh their authenticity and balance them against the death sentences he did allow.
112 Richter: Access to the Archives is exclusive by cursive order by the Holy Father.
113 The bamboo Tube archives are records of the duties of Zhao Long and Baya, Dai chief.
114 As an important index measuring macroeconomic investment efficiency and economic growth quality, the capital-output ratio was widely used in the academic archives.
115 In order to explore the information source of the school archives, attention should be paid to the construction of the elementary operation, which is the essential qualification and pledge.
116 Since then, quite a bit of work has been done to improve the performance of Phar archives.
117 The Archives said it then contacted Lowry to try and determine what happened.
118 Third part is about thecontrastive study of Su - Mu and corvee of Su - Mu written by these archives.
119 The growth of electronic publication and informatics archives makes it possible to harvest vast quantities of knowledge about knowledge, or "metaknowledge."
120 Therefore no matter records or archives, their evidential attribute cannot become an essential attribute that differ from each other.
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