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Angular in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+1Posted:2017-04-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: triangularsingularsingularlyregularjugularregularlyirregularregularityMeaning: ['æŋgjʊlə]  adj. 1. measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle 2. having angles or an angular shape. 
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121. The angular frequency of exciting current has a significant effect on response of the system.
122. The radome causes an angular displacement of the tracking aerial polar diagram.
123. The stability and small dynamic errors could be confirmed by using the method of composite control in which the pitch angular rate of barbette sensed by INS was feed back and compensated in advance.
124. Objective: To measure changes in angular position and eruption status of mesially impacted mandibular third molars (M3) during 3-year follow-up period.
125. Based on a general tactical model,[Sentence dictionary] a project using linear accelerometer and angular accelerometer is designed and a universal control law is researched in this paper.
126. The shambling of his angular figure now directed him to a lean - to.
127. Angular rate matching, as one of transfer alignment methods, is such a potential method.
128. Improvement on the bonding and sealing procedures of the sensing elements inpieloelectric angular rate sensor is introduced in this paper.
129. When the bearing radial clearance increases, with the nature of angular contact ball bearing can withstand both directions alternating axial load.
130. Most of gyroscope bearings are precious angular contact ball bearings, The precision and life of gyroscope is dependant on the performance of bearing .
131. In general, considering the true condition with bending between two systems, we model the second order Markov process and achieve the general model of angular rate matching method.
132. Micro-fluid angular accelerometer only detects the angular accelerometer in the direction of input axis, and it can effectively separate the linear acceleration and vibration.
133. The article discusses the determination and quality of angular bisector of two lines.
134. Applications show that the method effectively increases orbit determination accuracy at low angular measurement accuracy and high ranging and range rate measurement accuracy.
135. The oblateness in each time can be calculated according to the conjectured change of the radius, the quality and the angular velocity.
136. With this angular momentum, according to the three laws of planetary motion proposed by Kepler, a certain amount of angular momentum will create a certain path of movement.
137. An imposing presence , lanky and angular at 6 feet 8 inches tall, Mr.
138. The purpose of equal channel angular pressing ( ECAP ) is to obtain the ultra - fine grained ( UFG ) materials.
139. The numerical results show the efficiency of this method, which consider the transverse shrinkage and the angular distortion at the same time.
140. Equal Channel Angular Pressing ( ECAP ) is an advanced technology for preparation of ultra - fine grain materials.
141. It is important to determine each angular velocity ratio of gear train for design of gearings.
142. A major problem in design of start-stop mechanism is expressed in terms of the relationship between two angular velocity ratio and, and the increase in and decrease in , arc also dealt with.
143. Angular stiffness and elastomer shear strain on maximum swinging angle are important indexes in flexible joint design of solid rocket motor.
144. In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation.
145. Equal channel angular pressing ( ECAP ) is a promising technology for producing bulk ultra - fine grained ( UFG ) materials .
146. In quantum mechanics, spin is an intrinsic property of all elementary particles related to angular momentum.
147. A novel optical fiber angular displacement which can be used to measure micro angular displacement (second level) and all angle continuously is introduced.
148. The angular frangible girl is entangled in intangible triangle love.
149. An alternative arrangement, not much used now, is to employ either angular contact ball or taper roller bearings with plain cups.
150. Three methods are discussed to solve the one pursue two problem, they are course method of the initial angular bisector, course method of the instantaneous angular bisector and mid-point path method.
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