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Alter in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+6Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: changedeviatediversifymodifyvaryAntonym: conservepreserveSimilar words: alternativefiltershelterfilteringsveltehealthwealthpenaltyMeaning: ['ɔːltə]  v. 1. cause to change; make different; cause a transformation 2. make or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence 3. make an alteration to 4. insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby 5. remove the ovaries of. 
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(121) A cosmetic change to alter the face of the offside rule Talking point.
(122) Different sweeps - sideways, front and back, or up and down - each alter different musical attributes.
(123) But can violence alter the structure of discontent in a culture of desire?
(124) Some also alter the painted registration number on the car to match the fake plates.
(125) Whether you like it or not you're going to have to change your ways and alter your lifestyle.
(126) Straus was Ickes's alter ego a newspaperman, a liberal, a fighter, a curmudgeon.
(127) It was an experience which was to alter his life.
(128) But this does not alter the fact that there is an issue between Eckhart and Snyder, between incarnation and transcendental release.
(129) The present arrangements appear to work satisfactorily and I see no reason to alter the present position.
(130) In the circumstances, programmes to alter reproductive patterns might incorporate special provisions for reaching individuals of lower socio-economic status.
(131) It is going to fundamentally alter the rules by which which business operates.
(131) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(132) Secondly, the computer keyboard has many additional keys which are used to alter the function of the alpha-numeric keys.
(133) Neither group has any incentive to alter its mode of behaviour.
(134) Alter all, the swarm can only cover about a metre of ground every three minutes.
(135) It has a 70% crystal content and it doesn't alter its shape or size one iota.
(136) If you achieve some betterment, give further thought to other things you want to alter.
(137) Much depends on the determination of workers to defend jobs and conditions, and factors like this may alter considerably over time.
(138) This means there will be some exchange between the solder and the metal which will alter the composition of both.
(139) For example, using Wallston's battery of research methods does not alter their gender associations.
(140) Didn't alter the fact that he'd deliberately sought her out because of her parents.
(141) Alter baptism, she cuts her hair short and dresses like a man.
(142) Margara seems very much the alter ego of her creator.
(143) The mental aftermath points up how body changes can significantly alter lifestyles, relationships and self image.
(144) In turn this will move producers back down their marginal cost curves and alter the net-of-tax price producers require.
(145) Our clients reserve the right to alter this timetable in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
(146) I didn't realise at the time the extent to which it would actually alter my life.
(147) The stories are there - we need only change our focus, alter our frame of reference, in order to find them.
(148) His mouth never seemed to alter in shape; rather it expanded and contracted proportionally when he spoke.
(149) Unquestionably the visit was to alter the entire course of his development as an artist.
(150) Using Date or Time unfortunately doesn't alter the system clock for good.
More similar words: alternativefiltershelterfilteringsveltehealthwealthpenaltyaltogetherwealthyappeal toalthoughcasualtyspecialtythe death penaltytermouterwaterlatervoteraftertermslettermeterhunterterrorfosterposteroysterbetter
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