Synonym: agendum, docket, order of business, schedule. Similar words: agent, agency, gender, legend, calendar, defendant, attendance, recommendation. Meaning: [ə'dʒendə] n. 1. a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to 2. a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting).
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91. The question of pay had been left off the agenda.
92. Freud's views on sexuality set the agenda for much of the century .
93. Perhaps we could move on to discuss the next item on the agenda.
93. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
94. And what are the centrepieces of Bush's domestic agenda?
95. In retrospect, that is a conservative agenda.
96. The first two reveal an essentially conservative, royalist agenda.
97. But they all accepted the Conservative agenda for debate.
98. The London Implementation Group has no hidden agenda.
99. The main item on the agenda will be the possible acquisition of larger premises for our services.
100. Teaching and technical training are on the agenda, and they are long-term tasks.
101. Feminists believe that women need to be proportionally represented in Parliament and Congress because women have a different agenda.
102. Amongst the items on the agenda was a planning application for Chapel Row.
103. The fuel crisis will be at the top of the agenda for today's board meeting.
104. With this transformation came administrative change and consolidation of a coherent political agenda.
105. Also, as the Senate leader[], Dole can contrast himself with Clinton with a legislative agenda that reinforces his campaign message.
106. It was just one of many items on the agenda, and the Council members quickly moved on to other matters.
107. It can advance the school's agenda by assisting academic and personal development.
108. The following conferences did place racism on the agenda, and all white participants were expected to take it seriously.
109. Compact should be a standing item on the agenda of governors' meetings.
110. At first sight, then, the issue would not seem to be on the agenda.
111. The missile defence issue is without question the most troublesome, time-consuming and potentially dangerous item on the current international agenda.
112. To be sure, an inaugural address is not the occasion for a president to list the details of his legislative agenda.
113. For Victoria, the agenda for the Ting Hui was city politics and political contributions, period.
114. The introduction and failure of this project provide a good idea of why a separate black economic agenda has always been stifled.
115. President Mitterand continued to be very active in foreign policy, but allowed the premier to control the domestic policy agenda.
116. If Barak can contain the potential for these stresses and strains to muddy his agenda, that will be a considerable achievement.
117. The new leaders have been very aggressive in promoting their conservative agenda.
118. They pushed an agenda to reverse recent academic reforms and give students more power within the university administration.
119. Most of them have an environmental agenda which they believe is not being addressed by politicians.
120. The election leaves it with no agenda for governing such division, even if it claims a victory.
More similar words: agent, agency, gender, legend, calendar, defendant, attendance, recommendation, and all, scandal, gene, mandate, genre, far and away, standard, oxygen, gently, boundary, in danger, and all that, genetic, secondary, generate, generous, in general, emergency, fundamental, diligently, indigenous, age.