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Viewpoint in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+8Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: point of viewstandstandpointvantage pointSimilar words: point of viewinterviewpointpointsappointpoint outpoint topinpointMeaning: n. 1. a mental position from which things are viewed 2. a place from which something can be viewed. 
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(121) Incorporation thus brings with it a useful device to facilitate borrowing, from both the company and the lender's viewpoint.
(122) The postmodernists rejected this viewpoint, however, as excessive romanticism, but Peto would surely not have cared.
(123) I think Jim Mason's viewpoint is also urging for cooperation with the environment but he may cause a bit of controversy.
(124) Then, suddenly, the folks up there in Maine started voting for some Democrats-too many from my viewpoint.
(125) The psychosomatic viewpoint had been going more and more out of fashion for fifty years.
(126) From any chosen viewpoint it looks as though every other galaxy is going away from you.
(127) The viewpoint is somewhat narrow and there are several controversial areas where the presentation is very one-sided.
(128) From the viewpoint of a molecular biologist, the distance between us seems to decrease as our knowledge increases.
(129) My viewpoint is in coincidence with you.
(130) Extrospection by a Platonic viewpoint: concept modeling.
(131) Introspection by a Platonic viewpoint: object modeling.
(132) Article viewpoint does not represent print position.
(133) State personnel have had this viewpoint drummed into them.
(134) His social viewpoint since going to London, had changed.
(135) I hold with the latter viewpoint.
(136) This paper focuses on these judicial decisions and intends to study this reapportionment issue in Japan from the constitutional viewpoint.
(137) The mechanism of induced anisotropy, dilatancy, shear softening and cyclic mobility was discussed from the viewpoint of micro-mechanism.
(138) Be aimed at this network interlocution , official of the White House reminds participator to respect other viewpoint, avoid to use contemptuous sex language.
(139) The results show that it is overweighted, and some rehabilitation measures are put forward from the viewpoint of sustainable development.
(140) Although assentation person numerous, also have certain rationality, but the viewpoint in the center and argument still do not have enough conviction.
(141) From wave-mechanics and wave-particle duality viewpoint, several group-velocity faster-than-light experiments was a great success, then we expect that the meta-electrons may be exists.
(142) Although he held the Puritanism viewpoint of life and behavior standard, he seriously criticized it.
(143) From the viewpoint of scientists, inflammation means luminous, euthermic chemical reaction.
(144) According to the viewpoint of modern control theory, many advantages are provided in PID control, i. e. , the inherent robustness and intellection.
(145) Deserve to be mentioned, the materialism here is behaviorism, function and calculation of modern materialism viewpoint.
(146) From the viewpoint of protecting aquatic biotope, fish is deemed as target of river aquatic biology.
(147) The hybrid origination of Chinese white poplar was directly proved from the viewpoint of cytogenetics.
(148) "Silver Age" is a literary concept, but it has a close connection with the culture of its time. Elapsed Brilliance by Wang Jiezhi makes a comprehensive study of this age from the cultural viewpoint.
(149) From the viewpoint of signal transmission, we studied the SR in summing network constructed by threshold neurons by measuring mutual information and correlation coefficient.
(150) This paper discusses how to make good group range variable number series with authentic statistics from a global viewpoint.
More similar words: point of viewinterviewpointpointsappointpoint outpoint topinpointin point ofpointlessstandpointto the pointappointedcheckpointfocal pointdisappointpointillismappointmentcounterpointdisappointeda case in pointselling pointdisappointmentviewreviewviewerpurviewin view ofoverviewwith a view to
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