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Uniform in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+14Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: alikebalancedconsistentconstantcostumeevenoutfitregularsteadysymmetricalunvariedAntonym: variousSimilar words: if onlyeven ifsignificantsignificancesignificantlyunitnormformMeaning: ['juːnɪfɔrm /-fɔːm]  n. clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification. v. provide with uniforms. adj. 1. always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences 2. the same throughout in structure or composition 3. not differentiated 4. evenly spaced. 
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151. Maura pulled her to her feet and began to brush down Margaret's uniform, which was covered in grey dust.
152. The book is, however, not disjointed and the chapters are uniform in presentation and carefully edited.
153. The officer corps, comprising about one-half of the men in uniform, is rapidly shrinking.
154. Though uniform standards will not be enforced, the agreement calls for joint monitoring of pollution.
155. But a constable in uniform may arrest anybody found committing any of the offences under section 12, 13 and 14.
156. He was wearing uniform but his battledress jacket was unbuttoned and his tie was loose.
157. At one school during a parents' coffee morning the conversation drifted around to the subject to school uniform.
158. This is because every diode is individually calibrated and balanced to ensure uniform printing across every single line.
159. To produce a sail he had ripped apart his military uniform.
160. Harvey was dressed in a khaki uniform with colonel's insignia on the collar.
161. The Kamajor militia and other loyal forces have been put in army uniform and brought under its command.
161. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
162. On the other hand, the ward staff should adopt a uniform standard and method throughout the hospital.
163. It was the official uniform of motherhood and she looked like the angel of terror and memory sweeping down from the sky.
164. In 1991 the state adopted an update of the Uniform Plumbing Code to prevent such a disaster from happening.
165. A uniform call for special deposits, it was argued, could upset their foreign business very substantially.
166. Already a six-footer, he is noted for keeping his uniform neat and clean, and for excellence in sports.
167. All the troops in a regiment wear a uniform which has its own distinctive pattern or mix of colours.
168. It is a uniform bright yellow and has a large lyre-shaped caudal fin.
169. He purchased a ceremonial naval uniform, complete with sword belt, sword, and Colt. 45 pistol.
170. A few men wore evening dress, but many more were in the hated grey-green uniform.
171. The huts would look like they used to and inside there'd even be staff dressed in period uniform.
172. Probably not, although there is no uniform law on this question applicable to the entire nation.
173. Some worshipers wear designer jeans and expensive, crocodile-skin boots(, the uniform of many traffickers.
174. She watched as the jagged tears in the sky mended, cobbling themselves together in a uniform grey.
175. The uniform was worn for the first time at Easter.
176. There must be an old Navy uniform and a few ball bearings somewhere on Treasure Island.
177. The judicial antipathy to relaxing the rule has been far from uniform.
178. Clinton called for uniform educational standards without regard to income level.
179. Sociological perspectives Earlier we stressed how sociology's development as an academic discipline has not been uniform all over the world.
180. Instead of metal serving-dishes there was an officer's uniform laid out there, complete with peaked cap and well-shined high boots.
More similar words: if onlyeven ifsignificantsignificancesignificantlyunitnormformuniteunionunityuniquepunishjuniorformerperformformatformalreforminformrun intohormoneformulanormallycommunityplatforminformalperformerformerlyenormous
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