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Tyre in a sentence

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Sentence count:249+22Posted:2017-04-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: SurTyretireSimilar words: lyrepyretyromartyrtyranttyrannymartyrdomtyrannicalMeaning: n. 1. a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks 2. hoop that covers a wheel. 
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211. We are a professional company that manufactures and sells mechanical and electric equipment. Our business mainly deals with cigarette machinery parts and tyre retreading equipment.
212. During its operation, the tyre has no cost, but the pedrail can be used for a long time.
213. More than 15 bombs hit the city of Haifa and in Lebanon warplanes pounded Tyre.
214. This paper was a preliminary discussion for heating plate of tyre shaping press vulcanizer, and introduces a form of advanced heating plate.
215. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the GEC electrical cabinet of the Aircraft Tyre Wheel and Brake Test Dynamometer.
216. By the scrap rubber end that deserted balata tyre makes.
217. Firstly, the paper introduces the principle of the Aircraft Tyre Wheel and Brake Test Dynamometer, the structure of the GEC electrical cabinet and the targets of system improvement.
218. The author provides both basic and advanced knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of the pneumatic tyre and its impact on vehicle dynamic performance.
219. This kind of tyre is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.
220. The tank bodys are connected by pneumatic tyre unions and glass steel tubes, so they have the advantages of fine-looking, installation easily, reliable seel, and so on.
221. The central tyre inflation system(CTIS). has an important influence on improving crosscountry capability of the wheeled vehicle.
222. Already before 1,500 B.C. both Sidon and Tyre had settlements upon the African coast.
223. An "unround" (out of round) or eccentric wheel is alleged to have led to wheel tyre failure of a German ICE at Eschede in 1998,( causing a high-speed crash with heavy loss of life.
224. Massa, who also sustained concussion, was struck on his helmet by a spring that had worked loose off Rubens Barrichello's Brawn GP before he then straight-lined into a tyre barrier.
225. For the cyclo-cross bicycle the width of the tyre shall not exceed 35mm and it may not incorporate any form of spike or stud.
226. The steam engine, the telephone, the television, the pneumatic tyre, and the Internet can all be stamped 'Made in Britain'.
227. "Overall demand in the auto tyre industry has been very positive as Asia is recovering fast," Kitichai said in an interview.
228. Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her burden.
229. It can occur with tyre injudicial controlling, if the ABS system controls tyre drift-out, Anti-slip Regulation control driving wheel sliding and engine controlling retarding to torque.
230. Hiram died[], and the help of Tyre ceased to strengthen Jerusalem.
231. The better effects are obtained with the waste hard tyre as the abrasion resistance material in the project.
232. "We found that we were running too much pressure on the front tyre, and kept losing the front end, " analysed Stoner after his re-acquaintance with the Spanish track.
233. The full automatic measurement of edge of cord fabric for meridian tyre and discussion on positioning method are introduced?
234. A flat tyre 10 miles beyond Mount Barnett Roadhouse, a cross-threaded wheel nut, a dodgy jack handle, a dubious spare and a temperature of 100F (38C) had made for a taxing last couple of hours.
235. Bruni was born in Italy and is the heiress a tyre manufacturing fortune.
236. One of the mechanics took off the damaged tyre, and took it back to the station to be patched.
237. I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia , and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.
238. The automobile tyre fixation is the crucial technology in the tyre pressure check system.
239. A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel, bursting the tyre and denting the rim.
240. The working sequence and control parameters of tyre bladder vulcanizer are determined by analyzing the basic principle of tyre bladder vulcanizer and the tyre bladder production process.
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