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Trimester in a sentence

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Sentence count:70+1Posted:2017-08-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: semestergamesterprime ministerlimestonedetrimentnutrimentdetrimentalhomesteadMeaning: ['traɪ'mestə(r) /trɪ-]  n. 1. a period of three months; especially one of the three three-month periods into which human pregnancy is divided 2. one of three divisions of an academic year. 
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31. The researchers point out that the concentration of relaxin in the blood rises during the first trimester of pregnancy, when a woman's heart rate increase by about 40 per cent.
32. Objective: To explore a method of efficient direct chromosome analysis and chorionic villus cultivation in first trimester pregnancy.
33. E . Second trimester education. Discomforts include backache, round ligament pain, constipation( ), and indigestion.
34. By the third trimester, it is OK to take an over-the counter antacid, like Zantac, if your doctor or midwife gives you the go-ahead.
35. Objective To study the pregnancy outcome and the clinical value of NST in polyhydramnios in the last trimester.
36. Results: Of 15 patients, 9 (60%) were with advanced maternal age, 8 (53%) were primipara , and 9 (60%) attacked during the third trimester.
37. The answers depend largely on what your fitness level is, which trimester you're in and how you're feeling, Jeffreys says.
38. In my first trimester, some days, to my amazement, I'd poop out 10 minutes into the show—before the detectives even identified the body.
39. Objective: To assess the clinical value of B mode ultrasound in complete curettage of incomplete abortion and induced abortion of first trimester women with uterus anomaly.
40. (When cells differentiate they specialize into various tissues needed to create body parts.) It isn't until the second trimester that glia and neurons begin to form.
41. OBJECTIVE To study the imprinting status of H19 gene in normal villi tissue during the first trimester, and its relation to the invasion of trophoblast.
42. Objective To evaluate the effect and security of mifepristone combined with rivanol used in the induction of labor in the second trimester for the scarred uterus.
43. The gestation reaction is a Physiological reaction that will be appeared among many pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
44. The last weeks will all occur within a single magnetic trimester.
45. AIM: To prepare highly purified human trophoblast cells from human placentae at the first trimester of normal pregnancy for further study on the function of human placentae villi.
46. Conclusion Single serum CA 125 is valuable in predicting pregnancy outcome of first - trimester threatened abortion.
47. She was okay with letting you fly in your third trimester?
48. Objective To investigate the method of screening metra scar flaw of late trimester of pregnancy with B ultrasound and predict the risk of scar uterine rupture.
49. In most cases[], Gestational diabetes comes to light during the second trimester of pregnancy.
50. Treatment during the third trimester to prevent transmission to the newborn may be considered.
51. Applications for the second trimester for 2008 close on March 14.
52. Conclusion The decrease of plasma PLF levels at earlier third trimester was associated with IUGR and pre-eclampsia, and the endothelial cell damage may be one of its mechanisms.
53. Calcium 600:Provides an additional 600 mg of bone-strengthening calcium which is vital during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester when fetal bones begin to calcify.
54. Objective: To determine the prevention, early diagnosis and aggressive treatment of placental abruption in third trimester.
55. To discuss the feasibility of application of B ultrasound in screening metra scar flaw of late trimester of pregnancy and predict uterine rupture.
56. Objective To investigate the expression and the secretion of chemokine SDF-1 in human first trimester trophoblasts and to examine the chemotactic activity of SDF-1 of decidual lymphocytes.
57. The skull is opened in this third trimester stillborn fetus to reveal hydranencephaly.
58. ObjectiveTo study the therapy for fulminant hepatitis occurring in the third trimester of pregnancy.
59. Placental growth in the second trimester is too heterogeneous to use as a clinical tool, however.
60. This is a 33 - year - old , primigraida, with a normal first trimester screening.
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