Synonym: all, altogether, completely, entirely, whole, wholly. Similar words: not at all, mentally, potato, to the full, to the life, to the limit, to the point, at other times. Meaning: [ˈtəʊtəlɪ]
adv. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly').

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241. He was totally cleaned out after a night at the roulette table.
242. Playing for the reserve team is a totally different kettle of fish.
243. All your changes of plan have made me totally confused.
244. These reforms are totally untested and will require a leap of faith on the part of teachers.
245. But of course no one lives totally alone, isolated from the society around them.
246. The mountain roads are totally impassable to cars in winter.
247. He felt totally out of his depth in his new job.
248. It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.
249. I found most of the characters in the play totally unbelievable.
250. The government seems totally insensitive to the mood of the country.
251. She and her husband soon proved to be totally incompatible.
252. We were totally overwhelmed by the response to our appeal.
253. When they told me she had gone missing I was totally stunned.
254. This information the bank sent me is totally up the spout.
255. If Wilcox is thinking of doing this deal he must be going totally off his trolley.
256. The following guidelines do not aim to be totally comprehensive.
257. We took a walk along the river and totally lost track of time.
258. It was totally impractical to think that we could finish the job in two months.
259. The attackers had far superior forces but they gave no quarter and totally annihilated the defenders.
260. You can't compare the two cities - they're totally different.
261. I can't remember what happened next-I was totally spacing out.
262. Someone who can kill a child like that must be totally depraved.
263. He was able to walk down the street totally unrecognized.
264. Their colouring is so totally different that you would never think they were sisters.
265. I'm still not totally convinced that he knows what he's doing.
266. She's totally unflappable - you have to be when working in such a highly-pressured environment.
267. It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared.
268. I now realize that Tom and I were totally unsuited .
269. Amy lay on her bed,[] totally lost in her book.
270. He was totally blind to the faults of his children.
More similar words: not at all, mentally, potato, to the full, to the life, to the limit, to the point, at other times, to the number of, to the contrary, come to terms with, talk, at all, tale, ally, vital, metal, fatal, rally, let alone, rental, brutal, install, really, sully, get along, coastal, at a loss, crystal, catalog.