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Ticket in a sentence

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Sentence count:193+59Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ballotcertificatecitationcredentiallabelpasssealslatestampstickersubpoenasummonstagtokenvoucherSimilar words: ticket officereturn ticketricketsricketycricketpicketingpernicketypicket lineMeaning: ['tɪkɪt]  n. 1. a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment) 2. a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation) 3. a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices 4. the appropriate or desirable thing. v. 1. issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty 2. provide with a ticket for passage or admission. 
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91. Can I see your ticket, guvnor?
92. What a nuisance! I've forgotten my ticket.
93. Buy an extra ticket for the return trip.
94. I asked whether they could change my ticket.
95. They tussled over the last ticket.
96. This preferential ticket entitles you to travel first class.
97. The ticket is good for one month.
98. Currently, ticket holders pay a penalty equal to 25% of the ticket price when they change their flight plans.
99. He plans to remain on the Republican ticket for the November election.
100. How much does it say on the price ticket ?
101. She bought a lottery ticket and won more than $33 million.
102. A youth became involved in an altercation with a police officer over a parking ticket.
103. If you order the tickets by phone you have to pay a $2 service charge as well as $13.50 for each ticket.
104. I had lost my ticket, was soaked to the skin, and, to crown it all, discovered that my purse had been stolen.
105. He didn't even offer to pay me for the ticket.
106. Will passengers waiting to board please go to the ticket counter?
107. I queued for two hours to get a ticket to see the football game.
108. Lowering ticket prices should increase the number of bums on seats.
109. There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.
110. You're supposed to buy a ticket, but not many people do.
111. You could be the Queen of England, for all I care - you're not coming in here without a ticket.
112. Young kids need all the energy and protein they can get and whole milk is just the ticket.
113. The woman at the ticket window told me that the admission fee was $17.50.
114. We should be able to dig up enough money for your ticket.
115. Fans who still have their original ticket stubs should contact Sheffield Arena by July 3.
116. It's more than my job's worth to let you in without a ticket.
116. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
117. Gone are the days when a university degree was a meal ticket for life.
118. Should you lose your ticket call collect on STA's helpline.
119. These suits have designer names and a price ticket to match.
120. I'm saving up vouchers to get a cheap air ticket to the States.
More similar words: ticket officereturn ticketricketsricketycricketpicketingpernicketypicket linepersnicketykick the bucketrocketpacketbucketpocketjacketbracketnickelwickedsickenbickerskyrocketquickenthickenchickenpocketbooktrickerystrickenchicken outbickeringwickedness
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