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Ticket in a sentence

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Sentence count:193+59Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ballotcertificatecitationcredentiallabelpasssealslatestampstickersubpoenasummonstagtokenvoucherSimilar words: ticket officereturn ticketricketsricketycricketpicketingpernicketypicket lineMeaning: ['tɪkɪt]  n. 1. a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment) 2. a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation) 3. a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices 4. the appropriate or desirable thing. v. 1. issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty 2. provide with a ticket for passage or admission. 
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181. Secondly, he makes the team too much money, raking in ticket and merchandise sales like crazy.
182. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Shenzhen and Kota Kinabalu on AK ( E - Ticket ).
183. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Mauritius on MK ( E - Ticket ).
184. Item Description Up for bid is a Tammy doll airline ticket.
185. In PSS, to magnetically record ticket, credit card, or employee badge.
186. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu on KA.
187. So here comes the mail service ticket packet, loping across the network.
188. I would like to put this meal on my meal ticket.
189. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu on MH ( E - Ticket ).
190. Roundtrip economy class air ticket between Hong Kong and Taichung on UO.
190. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
191. The runaway piracy problem harms ticket sales and eventually to job losses of the movie industry.
192. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu on MH.
193. Roundtrip Economy class air ticket and Kota Kinabalu on ZH ( E - Ticket ).
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