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Thump in a sentence

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Sentence count:68+4Posted:2017-04-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bangbatbeatblowclouthitjabknockpokepoundpunchrapstrikeSimilar words: thumbthumbedthumbs uphumpposthumousgreen thumbrule of thumbeat humble pieMeaning: [θʌmp]  n. 1. a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects) 2. a heavy blow with the hand. v. 1. move rhythmically 2. make a dull sound 3. hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument. 
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31. The leaderene went down with a satisfying thump, her spiked coronet falling off.
32. A suitcase toppled off the top of the wardrobe and landed on the floor with a thump.
33. A muffled thump from below, somewhere at the foot of the stairs.
34. I run along the platform with the train, and thump again.
35. She felt her heart thump in reaction to the stress she had been under.
36. Is he so bloody potent that he can thump you and make love to you and you let him do it?
37. Grimma took another step forward and caught it a backward thump across the muzzle.
38. There was a loud thump as Eddie threw Luther back against the wall.
39. He could hear the music and its pile-driving thump in the background.
40. Even Bert was not in his cubbyhole, but Flossie was and gave a languid thump of her tail.
41. More usually, they come down with a thump a yard or so away.
42. A minute later he heard the rhythmic thump of the starboard bilge pump uniting with his own pumping.
43. She scissored something from above his left ear that fell with a positive thump on his shoulder.
44. I heard what had caught his attention the heavy thump of a big ship engine.
45. Jimmy heard a thump(, followed by the slamming of the front gate.
46. Melissa's heart began to thump as she peered round to see what was causing the obstruction.
47. The House of Parliament loomed up and his heart began to thump.
48. I try to thump him with my left, though my hand is a ball of pain.
49. I felt a thump against my abdomen and it became necessary to double over in order to facilitate breathing.
50. Basia began to thump on the door.
51. Orange, is the exclusive Eros trainee heart thump.
51. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
52. But his heart began its warning thump, thump, thump.
53. Suddenly his heart started to thump.
54. He leaped on to the platform with a thump.
55. The plank fell on the ground with a thump.
56. The thief hit him a thump on the head.
57. The sound of the flame is a low pitched thump, indicating a large, subsonic air displacement.
58. Conclusion Precordial thump could not terminate VF in the pig model of cardiac arrest.
59. Waves crashing. The distant thump of rock music. The whirring engine of a small biplane, dragging an ad from its tail.
60. I could feel her heart go thump - thump - thump.
More similar words: thumbthumbedthumbs uphumpposthumousgreen thumbrule of thumbeat humble pieposthumouslysump pumpthudthusenthusethunderthursdayenthusiasmenthusiastthunderousjumpdumpbumplumppumphumthunderboltplumpmumpsjumperstumptrump
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