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Throttle in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+5Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: acceleratoraccelerator pedalboundchokeconfinegasgas pedalgunlimitrestrainrestrictstranglestrangulatethrottle valvetrammelSimilar words: bottledlittle by littlerottengrottocattlemettlesettlerattleMeaning: ['θrɑtl /'θrɒtl]  n. 1. a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine 2. a pedal that controls the throttle valve. v. 1. place limits on (extent or access) 2. kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air 3. reduce the air supply. 
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121 Full authority control of an electronic throttle provides a range of options for speed governing.
122 The results show that shape of the air cell, properties of the material, volume of the appended gas chamber and diameter of the throttle hole are main factors affecting the dynamics of air springs.
123 He stepped swiftly to the controls to throttle back the engine.
124 In this dissertation, the stability control simulation of engine idle speed was studied on the basis of electronic throttle control with the characteristics of idle condition.
125 You can use the device's Throttle Settings to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warm restart,( which recaptures memory in this situation.
126 Three active throttle modes also provide variety selection for autonomous control aerostatic bearing.
127 This car is quieter at full throttle then most cars are at light cruising speed.
128 TheF Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valveselectrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output.
129 The inherent throttle bearing parameters are optimized according to the maximum stiffness of aerostatic bearing.
130 The diameter of jet pipe, injection velocity, air flow velocity and the throttle opening had fundamental effects on the diffusion of the natural gas jet.
131 Connect the air inlet hose to the throttle body and the air cleaner.
132 The control performs turbine speed control off - line[], and throttle pressure or valve position control on - line.
133 The L-Series ITB is a member of Woodward's Integrated Throttle Body family.
134 The ignition - distributor vacuum - advance mechanism advances the spark during part - throttle operation.
135 You can use the device's Throttle Settings to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warm restart, which recaptures file system space in situations of reduced free space.
136 You take a throttle valve, which consists of some sort of porous plug between two cylinders that is insulated. There is insulation here.
137 When Cerberus purchased Chrysler in the spring of 2007, the capital markets were at full throttle.
138 A second before I decided to eject, I pushed the throttle and lit the afterburner.
139 The Michell turbine is very amenable to power control by means of narrowing the feed-nozzle width and for fine control by means of a throttle plate in the throat of the feed-nozzle.
140 Position sensor to throttle body while guiding rubber fitting over throttle body vacuum nipple.
141 Gear Ratio is controlled by a pre-set 3D map with car speed, throttle position, and ideal engine rpm as its 3 axis.
142 This paper presents a simulation test control system of an airplane engine operating system, which control motor to simulate the force and velocity of throttle lever and the torque on axis.
143 Motorcyclists often slow by downshifting or merely rolling off the throttle, thus not activating the brake light.
144 The throttle plate moves toward the closed position as rated speed is reached.
145 You control the amount of air that passes through the throttle plate and into the engine with the gas pedal.
146 When a valve's control throttle is stopped up by a big pellet will appear expires suddenly, for example a valve chest possible to work because of tiny silt being unable.
147 Install method: Remove the sensor plug of the original accelerograph pedal, then insert the electric throttle of EGAS.
148 Following this warm-up period, the throttle plate remains open in normal driving, so there's no low-pressure area in the manifold impeding the engine's ability to pump air.
149 For piston - engine - propeller system, the usual fixed - control case implies fixed throttle and constant RPM.
150 A nearly constant air - fuel ratio is maintained by the main metering system from part - to - wide - open throttle.
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