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Tapping in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+6Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lappingsnappingslappingtrappingkidnappinghappinessunhappinesssoppingMeaning: [tæp]  n. the sound of light blow or knock. 
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181. Low viscosity, make easy de - greasing after tapping . Chlorine - free.
182. A woodpecker was tapping the trunk of a tree, a kitten observed from a distance.
183. In a quantum cryptographic system, any interloper tapping into the stream of photons will alter them in a way that is detectable to the sender and the receiver.
184. The music is used to forward the plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping.
185. Tis dreary, my raven, this time we spend here tapping toes.
186. Innovative tape rotating tapping method suitable for any adhesive tape material, even extremely viscidity tape.
187. Aiming at the technological requirements of tractor wheel hub threading, the electrical and hydraulic control parts for tapping unit combination machine tool were designed.
188. Home key to exit to the menu, which you navigate by flicking and tapping.
189. From Fundamental Interests we can see the developing clues of the contemporary reportage in tapping era theme and researching criticism and extolment and growth with each passing time.
190. Suitable for lathe, milling machine, slotting machine, grinding machine, hobbing machine, broaching machine, drilling machine, tapping machine tools using.
191. Thesteel- making process for eccentric bottom tapping electric arc furnace is taken as a focus point, and adding raw materials of the taphole and its operation are described.
192. There's "Dog Drool, " where the goal is to get a dog named Otis to drool over a plate of curry by tapping on the screen.
193. The mathematical model in heating furnace is set up for calculating billet tapping temperature according to billet heterogeneity, specification and opening rolling temperature.
194. The processor also supports the memory translation process by tapping into the hypervisor (host kernel) when an unmapped memory location is accessed.
195. Customers deposit cash in the card, and then deduct from it for purchases by tapping the card against pads at subway turnstiles, vending machines and cashier counters.
196. There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty,[] tapping away on a manual typewriter.
197. Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a smart way to reduce gas prices.
198. Manufacturer of RCA jack, terminal block, push terminal, binding post, metal stamping parts, tapping and plastic injection molding.
199. Tapping is the process of cutting a thread inside a hole so that a cap screw or bolt may be threaded into it.
200. Therefore it was suggested that tapping could stimulate the biosynthesis of polyamines mainly putrescine.
201. Check again by tapping the racquet against your hand ( fairly hard ).
202. This game is one of the best word puzzle games in Android Market. Play unlimited high quality puzzles now! How to play: Select the target word by tapping the first and the last letter of the word.
203. The key technology and essential conditions to obtain good splashes effect are to control the ingredients and quantities of finishing slag, the tapping temperature and the gun position reasonably.
204. The mechanical behaviors of dust particle in ESP ( electrostatic precipitator ) directly affect effect of tapping and removing.
205. Besides of the high tapping temperature, it is difficult for the vessels to prolong service lives remarkably by slag splashing.
206. Usually there are 12 categories which are bolt , stud, screw, nut , self tapping screw, wood screw, gasket, retainer ring, pin, composite member, bolting, and soldering lamp.
207. This is a lot better than tapping a coil. The trimmer capacitor adjusts the match to the detector.
208. The jumble of tectonic plates underneath the Philippines has created the perfect situation for tapping geothermal power, particularly at the five-plant array of sites near Leyte.
209. Technic of tapping, its safety, contraindication and interpretation of positive results are also discussed.
210. I ask a man by the tills what stopped him from going for the quiche today, and he pauses, fork tapping his chin to denote thoughtfulness.
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