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Worshipping in a sentence

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Sentence count:44+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: worshippedworshipcensorshipsponsorshipdictatorshipdippingrippingequippingMeaning: ['wɜrʃɪp /'wɜː-]  adj. that is at worship. 
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(1) I enjoy going to church and worshipping God.
(2) Don't talk while you are worshipping.
(3) The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people.
(4) She worshipped him for worshipping Marx, or appeared to.
(5) A religion worshipping the Goddess's body does not need such a split between spirituality and sexuality.
(6) He had attacked Eliot for worshipping culture, which I considered about as false an imputation as could be imagined.
(7) Could a culture of human beings worshipping a Goddess really get by without murder or war?
(8) A priest should be present at a worshipping ceremony.
(9) Do not talk while they are worshipping.
(10) The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images.
(11) He was totally worshipping me.
(12) Therefore, life goal is to love God through worshipping Him.
(13) He could easily manage his tractable and worshipping younger brother.
(14) Worshipping and welcoming the kitchen god is an important custom in our place.
(15) Why do people sta worshipping the dollar as soon as they get to America?
(16) We are very fortunate to have the privilege of worshipping Sunday by Sunday in a full church.
(17) Spark has always had the facility to be silkily suave as she goes about examining our predilection for worshipping false gods.
(18) I felt part of it all - absorbed as I had been absorbed by the worshipping crowd packed into the shrine.
(19) The latter is likely to provide some scope for active involvement in the worshipping and musical life of the parish.
(20) He becomes fixated on his own physical limitations and begins worshipping the male members of others.
(21) Once you get too exclusive, too obsessed with a place,( you are worshipping false gods.
(22) The moon rose high in the sky and shone unfalteringly into the woods, a silver goddess that I felt like worshipping.
(23) A whole bunch of early singles tracks, performed with gusto in front of a worshipping crowd.
(24) Men are visual creatures, so treat him to that oh-so-arousing sight of you on your knees, worshipping his penis – by looking directly into his eyes while giving him a blowjob.
(25) On the other side of the stupa , following the procession are two monks with tonsured heads and hands held together, worshipping the stupa .
(26) This depends on how you feel, that are you doing something good for yourself by benefiting the, the ummah, by worshipping?
(27) A recent article in the People's Daily questions the value of worshipping gaokao champions.
(28) Despite in-roads made by Hindu and Christian missionaries, many of its 26 main tribes are mostly animist: worshipping the sun and moon, a practise known as "Donyi-Polo".
(29) Biographers make the mistake of spending too much time worshipping at the altar of their subjects.
(30) When the tree spirit recognizes the baby's Buddhahood to come, he appears from the trunk, and reverentially folds his hands, worshipping the child.
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