Synonym: converse, discuss, gossip, report, rumor, speak. Similar words: talk over, talk with, walk, walk out, walk off, sidewalk, at all, tale. Meaning: [tɔːk] n. 1. an exchange of ideas via conversation 2. discussion; (`talk about' is a less formal alternative for `discussion of') 3. the act of giving a talk to an audience 4. a speech that is open to the public 5. idle gossip or rumor. v. 1. exchange thoughts; talk with 2. express in speech 3. use language 4. reveal information 5. divulge confidential information or secrets 6. deliver a lecture or talk.
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211. You'd better run in to see and talk with him personally.
212. Why don't you talk to him, and put his mind at rest.
213. I'll talk to them, but I won't feel comfortable about it.
214. They're so grand these days that they probably don't talk to ordinary mortals like us any more.
215. May I step inside and have a talk with you?
216. The thing about talk shows is that you never know how they will turn out.
217. He did his best to talk me round,( but I wouldn't speak to him.
218. Today's talk will steam up the economic cooperation between our two countries.
219. Today I'd like to talk about the Congress of the United States.
220. Talk of treasure and lost cities had fired their imaginations.
221. The two sides in the dispute say they are ready to talk.
222. He seems quiet but reveals his true character on the football field. You can also use either word to talk about an example of something that has all the important qualities it should have:She was his first real girlfriend.
223. She shouldn't talk - she doesn't know squat about it.
224. He would make a good politician—he could talk the hind legs off a donkey!
225. It's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public.
226. They help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any solutions.
227. He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end and refuse to talk to anyone.
228. Some of the students stayed after class to talk .
229. Unless more money is given to schools,( all this talk of improving education is just a charade.
230. Can we go somewhere else to talk - it's very noisy here.