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Supernatural in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+5Posted:2017-01-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ghostlymysteriousmysticalspiritualsuperhumanunknownSimilar words: naturalnaturallyunnaturalnaturalistnaturalizationnaturealternativeculturalMeaning: n. supernatural forces and events and beings collectively. adj. not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material. 
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61. The perpetrator was like a phantom or a supernatural being.
62. There were, of course, differences between taking a grievance to a supernatural being and instituting a case before a magistrate.
63. Many of the people here continue to believe in the supernatural.
64. Similarly, her often fey iconography suggests her interest in the supernatural.
65. Prerequisite: Ability to use telekinesis as a supernatural ability.
66. This is a miraculous and supernatural act of God.
67. Do you believe in the supernatural?
68. Numerous miracles and other supernatural events are attested.
69. I'm a supernatural being between you and God!
70. There is no such being as a supernatural tempter.
71. Doctrine of supernatural being, circulates thereupon in the world.
72. Demon:an evil supernatural being; a devil.
73. The appearance or arrival of a supernatural being.
74. Of or relating to a numen; supernatural.
75. a belief in the supernatural.
76. The culture of supernatural being and alchemist in Qin and Han Dynasties is an important cultural integrant being pregnant with early Taoism.
77. It look as if some supernatural were tabernacle in him.
78. Captain Bligh: It is a matter of supernatural indifference to me whether you contaminate the natives or the natives contaminate you.
79. In Algonquian religious belief, a supernatural power that permeates the world(, possessed in varying degrees by both spiritual and human beings.
80. Cursed to ride the night as the Ghost Rider, superstar motorcycle stuntman Johnny Blaze must battle the demonic Blackheart in this hi-octane blend of supernatural action and high speed racing.
81. As a bearer of the Mark of Scribing, you have a supernatural affinity for language.
82. And you, a man of science,[] believe that the creature is supernatural—something from another world?
83. Volunteers would attempt to control the outcome with whatever supernatural forces they could bring to bear on the problem.
84. Other stories of the supernatural related by Walters included a seance by Mary Lincoln to recall the spirit of their dead son.
85. Near 80 degrees steeple staircases make you look surprisingly supernatural.
86. However, many people were unhappy with the idea that the universe had a beginning, because it seemed to imply the existence of a supernatural being who created the universe.
87. The new barman didn't believe in the supernatural or poltergeists or anything kooky like that, he just knew an useful ally when he saw one.
88. The Mesopotamian view on the supernatural is an inextricable mixture of Sumerian and Akkadian origin, influenced by an unknown substrate population.
89. It indicates that the modern scholars'interpretation, which on the basis of direct understanding of "The Analects" can not directly demonstrate Confucius thought of Ming and supernatural being.
90. Getting rid of the supernatural elements, these therapies can afford us lessons on the development of today's psychological medicine, the adjustment of the personal sta...
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