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Suntrap in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2018-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: contrapuntalentrapfrom sun to sununtraineduntrackedcontraptionuntrammeleduntraceableMeaning: n. a terrace or garden oriented to take advantage of the sun while protected from cold winds. 
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1. This corner by the wall is a real suntrap.
2. In summer the family spills out on to an adjoining sun-trap patio.
3. In a scalloped sun-trap glade carpeted with misty bluebells a black cap sang.
4. The hotel pool is 15 metres in length with a large terrace for sunbathing, making it an ideal suntrap.
5. Set 3,100 feet above sea level, Schluchsee is a real suntrap overlooked by the Black Forest's highest peak, Feldberg.
6. The pool is enclosed by the bungalows, palm trees and bushes and is a real suntrap.
More similar words: contrapuntalentrapfrom sun to sununtraineduntrackedcontraptionuntrammeleduntraceablediscount rateuntrammelledintraperitonealmountain trailuntraditionalcontrapositioncontrapositiveintrapulmonaryuntranslatableentrapmentsuntansuntannedintraventricularcontract rateintratrachealcountryuntrueuntruthuntriedhuntressupcountrytrap
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