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Strongly in a sentence

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Sentence count:221+38Posted:2017-05-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: powerfullySimilar words: strongstrongboxheadstronglouis armstrongdistressinglyastronautastronomyastronomerMeaning: ['strɔŋlɪ /'strɒ-]  adv. 1. with strength or in a strong manner 2. in a powerful manner. 
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91 They have campaigned strongly for compulsory registration of dogs.
92 I would strongly advise against it.
93 Many parents are strongly critical of the school.
94 The country's car industry is so strongly protected.
95 Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr.
96 The decision has been strongly criticized by teachers.
97 This painting is strongly reminiscent of da Vinci's "Annunciation".
98 He is strongly in favour of capital punishment.
99 We objected strongly but were outvoted.
100 I strongly disagree with this amoral approach to politics.
101 The metal is strongly attracted to the surface.
102 I cannot recommend the book too strongly.
103 The labour enthusiasm of the workers strongly influenced us.
104 The tide is flowing strongly today.
105 Some economists strongly believe in private enterprise.
106 Today's announcement smacks strongly of a government cover-up.
107 The kitchen smelled strongly of fish.
108 The fervour of her speech showed she felt strongly.
109 The water tasted strongly of chemicals.
110 Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.
111 We strongly believe that she is innocent.
112 I strongly advised him not to take that path.
113 It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year.
114 The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior.
115 The police have been strongly attacked for not taking immediate action.
116 The company has been performing strongly over the past year.
117 Carson strongly disapproved of the plan and said as much at the meeting.
118 Reading over his past speeches, you'll see that housing[], public health and education feature strongly.
119 This government believes very strongly in the empowerment of women.
120 I sensed quite strongly that she was angry with me.
More similar words: strongstrongboxheadstronglouis armstrongdistressinglyastronautastronomyastronomergastronomeastronomicalshinglyjokinglyseeminglyknowinglywillinglymockinglywittinglyamazinglyteasinglyexultinglygrudginglymenacinglyunknowinglypleadinglyblindinglyworryinglyinquiringlyexceedinglyfalteringlyimploringly
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