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Home > Strongly in a sentence

Strongly in a sentence

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Sentence count:221+38Posted:2017-05-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: powerfullySimilar words: strongstrongboxheadstronglouis armstrongdistressinglyastronautastronomyastronomerMeaning: ['strɔŋlɪ /'strɒ-]  adv. 1. with strength or in a strong manner 2. in a powerful manner. 
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61 The workers were strongly against the biennial election.
62 We strongly recommend insuring against sickness or injury.
63 Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract.
64 I strongly resent such unwarranted aspersions.
65 Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists.
66 Education levels are strongly related to income.
67 This information bears strongly on the matter under discussion.
68 This is an issue I feel strongly about .
69 Union activity was officially tolerated but strongly discouraged.
70 The house smelt strongly of food.
71 We strongly favour reform of the system.
72 The evidence strongly supports his claims.
73 The proposal was strongly resisted by the police.
74 Our electoral system strongly favours two-party government.
75 He reacted strongly against his religious upbringing.
76 They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.
77 Stones and cement binds strongly.
78 Heart specialists strongly advocate low-cholesterol diets.
79 I strongly believe that he is innocent.
80 She protested strongly at being called a snob.
81 These themes come across very strongly in the novel.
82 I strongly oppose that contention.
83 Barr strongly disagreed with Kronfeld's statement.
84 The room smelt strongly of polish.
85 We strongly support the peace process.
86 She was strongly recommended for the post.
87 We strongly recommend reporting the incident to the police.
88 If anything,[Sentence dictionary] swimming will appeal to her most strongly.
89 He feels very strongly about a lot of issues.
90 This is something I feel strongly about.
More similar words: strongstrongboxheadstronglouis armstrongdistressinglyastronautastronomyastronomergastronomeastronomicalshinglyjokinglyseeminglyknowinglywillinglymockinglywittinglyamazinglyteasinglyexultinglygrudginglymenacinglyunknowinglypleadinglyblindinglyworryinglyinquiringlyexceedinglyfalteringlyimploringly
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