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Slack-jawed in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2018-09-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: blackjackblack jacklockjawjawedslackslacksslack upslackly
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1 He just gazed at me slack-jawed.
2 They looked at him, slack-jawed with disbelief.
3 The audience sat slack-jawed with disbelief.
4 The inmates are stunned in slack-jawed amazement.
5 Now utterly hypnotized, the man-apes could only stare slack-jawed into this astonishing display of pyrotechnics.
6 She gasped repeatedly and Creed, goggle-eyed and slack-jawed, panted in time with her gasping.
7 Many of the residents sit staring, slack-jawed, open mouthed.
8 Most of the slack-jawed kids gaped through their masks and makeup, not quite knowing what to believe.
9 Once again, it struck you that an actor was more likely to win sympathy from an audience than a slack-jawed garrulous Balaclava.
10 He looked out with an expression not yet of terror but of total,[] slack-jawed surprise.
11 In America, the animalistic automatons at Chuck E. Cheese entertain (and sometimes terrify) children with their inelegant, slack-jawed singing, spastic motions, and soulless, lifeless eyes.
12 The convicted man in the dock stood silent and slack-jawed.
13 From the corner of my eye, I saw Phil, pale, slack-jawed , eyes wide with amazement and adoration combined.
14 Just to be included in the company of these amazing women I have so admired through the years, has left me slack-jawed with awe.
15 AT key moments in sports history, time itself seems to slow down and stare, slack-jawed, at the intense action unfolding on the court or field.
More similar words: blackjackblack jacklockjawjawedslackslacksslack upslacklyslackerslackenslack offslackingslacken offslack timeslacknessslackeningsawedawedflawedclawedthawedsawed-offoutlawedoverawedbook jacketbackslaplackbackslashflackclack
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