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Shaving in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+4Posted:2017-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: grazingparingshaveskimmingsliverSimilar words: havingsavingwavingravingsavingsheavingcravingweavingMeaning: ['ʃeɪvɪŋ]  n. 1. the act of removing hair with a razor 2. a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something 3. the act of brushing against while passing. 
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(91) Choose from the classic Single-blade Razor, Electric Razor, Tweezers or Straight Razor, and use Shaving Cream, Toilet Paper Dots and Hair-Gro Tonic to assist you in your shaving quest.
(92) In this paper, a computer - aided general checking calculation Used for standard gear shaving cutter.
(93) A makeover and a trim led to assault charges against a teenager.Dallas R.Esparza, 16, of Cedar Rapids, is accused of shaving off the eyebrows of Shawn Weaver while he was unconscious, police said.
(94) I would also like some shaving cream and aftershave lotion.
(95) Shaving or barbering of the head[], neck or body coat must be severely penalized.
(96) Prackle came through the door, his face still half covered with shaving soap.
(97) The tooth flank equations of plunge shaving cutter and conventional shaving cutter are deduced using the engagement principle for single-freedom and two-freedom respectively.
(98) Some say sweet - scented shaving soap soothes sore skin.
(99) Fast and slow growing hair, thin and thick, with less and do not shave shaving lanugo has nothing to do with the child's growth and development, nutritional status and genetic and so on.
(100) The cosmetics industry: powder compact, powder compact within fixed, plastic hose, lens face cream container, shaving cream cone, kirtle blade box, etc.
(101) How to choose the optimal shaving cutter parameters is crucial to improve efficiency and processing quality of the gear processing.
(102) Tommy's father rushed out of the bathroom waving his shaving brush. "This thing's useless! "he complained. "I can't shave with it.
(103) After-Shave lotion is established in 1992, our factory is specialized in producing shaving foam, shaving cream, After-shave Lotion , shaver and so on.
(104) Watch any Frenchman at a campsite in the summer and see how long he spends shaving, trimming his moustache, and on general ablutions.
(105) Because shaving a skinhead, most of the time will not go out, they can learn English well. Li Yang, it is such a logical thinking too much ridiculous.
(106) For example, a member of the Sikh religion, which generally does not permit shaving, lost his religious-discrimination case with Chevron USA Inc., which has a clean-shaven policy.
(107) I never thought much of the axillae – or armpits – before becoming a doctor.They were ticklish, they sweated, I sometimes got round to shaving them.
(108) Depilatory agents (waxing, sugaring, etc.) may be used instead of shaving, or the hair may be plucked or cut.
(109) Mike's another good friend, Betti was so excited to tell him that there were two guys out back throwing up and a guy upstairs was shaving.
(110) The gilding brass shaving appearance terminal corresponding to a banana plug is adopted as a speaker terminal.
(111) But even if it does, shaving 10 or 20 percent off certain products doesn't create a different mind-set.
(112) Nello held up the shaving cloth with an air of invitation.
(113) One day, while he was shaving with a straight razor that was so worn it could no longer be sharpened, the idea came to him.
(114) The present invention relates to closed ram-off machining process with radial gear shaving cutter, and is especially the process of machining gear with radial gear shaving cutter.
(115) Shaving cream: I love the idea of shaving cream, but sometimes the fruity or floral varieties marketed to women are just too froufrou for me.
(116) With grinding teeth, hobbing and shaping, shaving gear, and other processing methods.
(117) And in order to shave , we have to buy shaving cream, which can make shaving easier.
(118) Our factory hob phyletic annular gear hob, such hob, spline Bob, before shaving, and cut the hob top hob, sprockets hob, also produce all kinds of worm and worm.
(119) He thought English tastes were even odder when a fellow apprentice professional, a young goalkeeper who has since left United, showed off his party trick: eating shaving foam.
(120) Requirements and appropriate measures for natural gas peak shaving in cities are expounded, and the cost comparison of different measures for peak shaving is made by means of example analysis.
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