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Sending in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+22Posted:2017-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: send inendingbendinglendingpendingmendingtendingoffendingMeaning: [send]  n. the act of causing something to go (especially messages). 
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151. Morrow was convicted in 1998 of sending four letter bombs to government officials.
152. He tested them carefully over the next several years, sending them off with cooperative sea captains.
153. On the other hand, banging out a press release and sending it to absolutely everyone is a waste of time.
154. Hey, Willie, how about sending down a busload of Muni drivers who can read a road map?
155. In the struggle the autopilot was accidentally disengaged,( sending the aircraft into a dive.
156. It's sending back measurements of global sea surface temperatures, with very high accuracy.
157. The ticket counter folks refused to assign us a seat, sending us to the gate.
158. Strong winds late Sunday blew hard south, sending the acrid smell of a campfire through much of Phoenix.
159. They moved up the corridor, their footfalls against the bare boards sending out hollow echoes.
160. We'd better start sending out those letters soon -- I've had the sales manager breathing down my neck about it all week.
161. We should reclaim our leadership position by immediately sending a significant amount of food aid.
162. The forest had already been defoliated and the oaks and aspens were expending precious energy sending out a second flush of leaves.
163. Until the villagers can come to an agreement on tourism then we will not be sending any clients there.
164. It was a deliciously decadent daydream which stirred the blood,( sending adrenalin pumping through his system.
165. They will confirm the booking by sending you an invoice and detailed joining instructions.
166. Whitehall's biggest potential ally is the United States, which is sending a large delegation to fight the ban.
167. Maryland and McGlockton hit Lane again after a few more yards, sending him flying out of bounds.
168. Between them the sea came in from two directions, sending a constantly renewed chevron of breakers toward the beach.
169. She made her get into bed and said she was sending for the blue ladies right away.
170. Putting Labour in charge of reducing unemployment would be like sending a fire fighter to tackle a blaze with his hoses full of petrol.
171. Sending a replacement jet would have been uneconomic.
172. You're sending me into an lndian casino dressed like a cowboy.
173. The wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray.
174. Click Update Project to update the project file without sending a reply.
175. People can donate money to quake - hit areas by sending SMS.
More similar words: send inendingbendinglendingpendingmendingtendingoffendingspendingunendingdependingascendingimpendingunbendingdefendingpretendingdescendingnever-endingheartrendingcondescendingvending machineuncomprehendingdeficit spendingcondescendinglyending inventoryconsumer spendingdiscretionary spendingend inblend inlanding
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